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Member Since 28 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2023 20:03

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Fallen Sword Roadmap (July - October 2022)

17 October 2022 - 12:10


Hmm. Unfortunately, the suggestions for those sections are usually "Complete Rework". That is not gonna happen I'm afraid. Give some reasonable suggestions for those parts of the game and we'll look them over. Complete rework is not, in any way, reasonable. Sorry.
~ Grim


Keep creating recipes using some old epics,this somehow revives the  market,generates short-term item deflation

, and gives more reason for players to keep hunting titans

there is some slots with few epics, adding some new could be interesting also.

for example: best in slot epic boots from lvl 650 to 1399, still is invader greaves(same stamina gain as dragon draped, but invader greaves has temporal shift, so it's a lot better)

lvl 1400 there is Pulsing Boots of Aramathon. very costly,rare and hard to find. but it's 5 stamina gain, without temporal shift.

rune slot has the same issue. from lvl 200 to 1199 without any increases in stamina gain(ouroboros don'ty count, because it has same problem as pulsing boots of aramathon and Fel lightning threads).

In Topic: Titan Design Contest 2022

26 September 2022 - 06:49

Name: Atmus, the soul ripper
Classification: Dragon
Lore: Rumors mention the existence of a few rare fungus that only grown in the Lair of Wrath,
located in the deepest parts of the abyss.Those fungus has magical properties that promises immunity to various diseases.
   From time to time,mercenaries and adventurers made expeditions into the Lair of Wrath in search of this rare plant,but most of them, found only death.some who 'succeeded" in the expedition, seemed to suffer from a strange paralyz,which causes death days after.Only a very few survived,but their days as mercenaries and adventurers would have come to an end. One of this adventurers told  about a cursed voracious creature that consume  souls of the living beings. He said that creature has abilities to turn humans into Husks .a type of undead whose soul was ripped out.

Physical Description: A large cursed rotten dragon, which stores souls in his bone wings, it's possible to hear the screams of those who  had their souls ripped out.His scales are as dark as the abyss itself,his gaze has a paralyzing effect.And his rotten body constantly emits an fog ,that causes weakening and hypnosis, making anyone that inhale his fog into a potential prey for the dragon.

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