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Member Since 19 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2017 00:00

Posts I've Made

In Topic: YOUR Reasons for:

03 June 2017 - 00:00

1. Why do you play FS? Fun? Challenge? Other?
I play fs for the fun of pvp and also because i am busy a lot at work and i dont lose out because the stamina gains . Its unlike any other game the way you can wait to play when you have time.

2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

Buffs and potions for hunting and pvp

B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

Max level buffs and pots that i can afford at the time

3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

Buffs and potions help to slaughter monsters and players.

4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

Sometimes i use it when bored, mostly not for over a sentence or two.

5. What aspects of FS have you played?

Pvp,arena,ladder,quests,composing, etc. just a little bit of titan hunting

6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

For the fun !!!

7. How often do you log on to FS?

Every day, at least just to check in on my chracter

8. How long have you been playing FS?

About a year

9. Are you in a guild? (I do not need specific guild names) If so, why?

Yes, its a awesome place to have fun and pvp , also such great players and helpful people in my guild.

10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

First guild i joined at start of game, level 1 or minimum required. I forget.

In Topic: Fallen Sword App Feedback (v0.1)

01 June 2017 - 20:57

Hey there.Yeah, the Beta expires in iOS. The Android version continues to function. You be able to test again once the next update is complete, hopefully in the next two or three weeks.~ Grim

Oh, i forgot ios is a pain for devs and it takes longer to get those permissions

Im excited to see whats next, even though its all laid out in a plan , i am still excited to see every version update :)

Keep up the great work !!!!!

In Topic: Fallen Sword App Feedback (v0.1)

28 May 2017 - 09:11

Yeah it has expired, when i click on app it says " fallen sword beta has expired"

I tried to re sign up and that says i am already signed up for it, so i cant get another code, and i dont have original e mail with the code for it.

In Topic: Fallen Sword App Feedback (v0.1)

27 May 2017 - 23:19

The app is now expired for me in testing.

V0.1 comments

It is a very nice visual app with a new feeling to the game.

as all new products go, it takes time to add everything.

I wonder if the map will ever be made to stay on the screen. I lose most the map if i am on left side of it. My screen is blank on left side and map is pushed to right, so if i am on left side of map its darn near impossible to see the right side unless i zoom the screen in which makes it so small its extremely hard to see.

I cant figure out what door is what on the map unless i go to the door.

And of corse as most have said, the fighting of monsters is very anoying having to kill one at a time. Wouldnt be so bad if we could just click on the picture of the monster to attack it. Possibly have an attack mode where clicking it makes you attack. Then a view mode to see what the mob is. Have a simple toggle between the two would be nice.

I think the app is looking great and going to be so awesome as functions are added. Keep up the great work.

Also, how do i get to test again ? Do we have to wait for next version ?

In Topic: Fallen Sword App Feedback (v0.1)

10 April 2017 - 02:32

Wondering if the "loading game "error is only on ios devices. There was an update on ios devices the day before the error started.

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