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Member Since 18 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2015 01:08

#949284 Next Wave of Composing Potions

Posted by Bildor on 21 September 2015 - 13:50

Thanks for the update BG!

#949200 Next Wave of Composing Potions

Posted by Bildor on 20 September 2015 - 15:49

This topic has the exact same demands as players at the leveling EOC. They moan for more, more, more! Only composing leveling doesn't NEED to be released for the game to continue and flourish.


The main argument against making more potions, and at even higher levels, is that it breaks the game. The game can't get any easier with higher and higher leveled skills. The game needs to be made harder to counter the ease with which these uber pots have altered the game. Other ancillary arguments against introducing new composing levels are that they will entice scripters to continue cheating and it will make the disparity between those that do script with their guilds and beneficiaries grow against the rest of us.


Before detection of those scripters can be improved AND the administrators will ENFORCE the existing rules a moratorium on new composing levels needs to be initiated. We need ZERO TOLERANCE! I want to know how a player can humanely continue composing 24hrs/day for weeks and months at a time? I question the players who are against ridding the game of these cheats.

You mentioned a moratorium on new composing levels. So perhaps you do know something about the topic after all. In order to have a moratorium, that would suggest there  is something else planned, since you are calling for a temporary composing level cessation. Do you have an answer to that question? Do you recall a post from HCS outlining their composing plans? 

#949198 Next Wave of Composing Potions

Posted by Bildor on 20 September 2015 - 15:41

Are you pot or kettle?



Let's see some new composing only skills, but not overpowered ones.


edit:and base guild locked pots on loyalty...lets stomp out guild hopping as well

I'm the guy wondering if HCS is done with composing for now.

#949184 Next Wave of Composing Potions

Posted by Bildor on 20 September 2015 - 12:51

Composing pots are the topic! You don't control me. I'll post any retort I want, wherever I want. All I did was ask HCS to NOT add more composing levels, nor pots, at least not now. What's wrong with that? You have control issues. You call me divisive. I called you a scripting cheat. If you look at the chronology, you started it. Don't like it? Tough!

Did I strike a nerve? You are off topic as usual. Just try to stay on topic. And I agree, perhaps my original post may not have clearly expressed the topic, but I quickly made that clear. Forum posters often try to limit forum topics to keep forum trollers from derailing, which congratulations, you have successfully done. How you can twist a simple question regarding weather or not HCS is done implement composing according to their plans, into a rant takes skill. You are awesome at what you do!

#949088 Next Wave of Composing Potions

Posted by Bildor on 18 September 2015 - 23:01

And please Hoof, BigGrim, Mojawk and Zorg stop giving it to them!


For so long level 175 personal skills were always going to be the max and they were. You stood your ground against many who wanted the cap dropped, especially after we hit it. I don't remember the point of capitulation, but the potions have seriously deluded any challenge to playing the game. At least with personal skills they were done with a slight increase, a small crack in the dam unlike with potions were they have flooded the game irreversibly. It's a big problem!

First of all I never asked for anything to do with composing. Just wanted to know if everything that was planned was implemented. The idea that HCS gives into me is ludicrous. What you are doing now, and like you have done in the past, is try to be divisive and stir things up. 

#948980 Next Wave of Composing Potions

Posted by Bildor on 17 September 2015 - 19:06

lol, I'm at level 1, but there are quite a few level 60's in the game.

#947786 Lag is Really Bad

Posted by Bildor on 06 September 2015 - 01:52

It is just really frustrating not being able to login. Need to repot, and can't. Browser windows will load normal for 15 seconds, and then quit loading for long periods of time. I'm at my wits end.

#947767 Lag is Really Bad

Posted by Bildor on 05 September 2015 - 17:06

I know everyone is not experiencing it, but this lag is really bad. Windows halfway loading, really makes you want to give up.  :(

#937449 Lagggg

Posted by Bildor on 28 June 2015 - 08:03

Tried again, had to quit. Literally 20-30 seconds between moving 1 tile. Then, the system gets all confused and says you can't move more that 1 square at a time. Very frustrating  :(

#937361 Lagggg

Posted by Bildor on 26 June 2015 - 21:42

Almost done with a 4 hour hunt and.....


An error occurred.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
Please try again later.

If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.

Faithfully yours, nginx.

Got that page many times!

#927651 Old Arena Issuse

Posted by Bildor on 09 April 2015 - 00:47

This thread is a repeat of a thread from 1-2 weeks ago.


- do not change the 25% rule. It's fine the way it is.

- add gold tourneys to get more interest

- increase the number of lower level tourneys to get more interest

- see my suggestions in previous thread on the same topic 1-2 weeks ago

Many threads are repeats :) I never posted about this before. Just had an opinion and expressed it. Did I think it would do any good? Not really, but you have to try.

#926982 Old Arena Issuse

Posted by Bildor on 04 April 2015 - 19:00

Not a fan of the current participation limitation in the arena.


18:45 04/Apr/2015 'xxxxx' has left the guild.


18:50 04/Apr/2015
[ Report Message ] xxxxx says: Hello xxxxxxxx. I sent xxxxxxxx a note since he was the one who recruited me. I am sorry to have wasted your guild\'s time. I really play Arena obsessively. I missed out on 8 Arenas this morning because of the percentage rule per guild. And I see much more of that in the future if I had stayed. Completely my fault as I should have looked more closely at your guild roster before applying. Please accept my apologies. Have a wonderful day. xxxxx
Can we please increase? We should be doing things to increase game participation. Maybe this was a good restriction in the past, but today, things are different.

#919920 GE Request - Gargantuan Mosquitos

Posted by Bildor on 16 February 2015 - 17:53

Humbly request the Cows consider having a Gargantuan Mosquitos GE. Last time we had this one was on 15.02.2014. Thanks!

#909696 Santa Claus joins FallenSword!?

Posted by Bildor on 16 December 2014 - 03:46

Just to be the grinch here, I disapprove of this ...


Plenty of players have historically asked for a name change - and been categorically refused by the cows. Sometimes, these requests were just to fix an in-haste spelling mistake, but still denied. Same with spelling mistakes in guild names ...


Now that this can of worms has been opened, I hope name/guild changes that are just spelling mistake ones will be looked at favorably ?


(I still agree with refusing to change names to something completely different - for whatever reason that may be)

You've been naughty this year. Coal for you.

#901257 Update v2.52

Posted by Bildor on 16 November 2014 - 06:01

I too would like to see a top rated individual titan hunter list. Even though titan hunting is a guild activity, there is the individual aspect of the competition. It is similar to my son's cross country meets. They compete as a team, but they are also recognized for their individual placement and of course, everyone wants to know their personal times.











*EDIT* - grammar correction

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