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Member Since 31 Oct 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 31 2018 16:36

#994475 Alien Territory

Posted by Tundraman on 31 October 2018 - 15:50

Delta2 has a lot of Lvl 22 bases that are loosely associated with an alliance. These rouge / lone-wolf players port around and spend hours killing aliens in an established hive. If you try to take the alien before they do, they get angry and hit all the small players in the alliance. If you let them take the aliens, they sit there for days, killing aliens...because aliens populate in an established hive FAR more often than neutral areas. Those players in an established alliance, spend most of their time re-capturing territory inside the hive. The only “winner” out of this is those rouge players. Certainly, this part of the game does not reward players for being in an alliance. So, why have alliances?

Maybe adjusting the time to re-capture the territory? It typically takes 6-7 hours to get a tile to turn blue. Maybe 2 hours instead? Or not allow aliens to destroy the captured land. Maybe allow the game to have aliens populate more often in neutral territory than a hive?

Some lvl 22 players will argue that they won’t be able to port into an alliance area to hit a player....well, they can use speed-ups, instead.

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