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#850325 Better Respec Options

Posted by Lagenia on 19 February 2014 - 11:14 in Suggestions

would be nice too yeah


but 10 EP sounds fair ... as full respec is 250 so 25 single respec points would be as expensive as a full respecc with 40 + attributes

#850311 Better Respec Options

Posted by Lagenia on 19 February 2014 - 09:52 in Suggestions

I would love to see a respec possibility so you can make your respec - check if it fits how you placed the points and then you can reroll it as long as ... for example you didnt start a fight ... within 30 minutes ... within 10 minutes .. something like this


Once i respecced i missclicked a Talent - so i had to live with it or pay another respec to respec the mistake i just made :P ...



Also it would be nice to see the Final Version of yourself and then be able to commit or reroll it

#850291 Too Cool

Posted by Lagenia on 19 February 2014 - 07:57 in Suggestions

I use the ep cooldown for instant bank sometimes, when im in the middle of nowhere and need something from my bank ...


25 ep is kinda low - but yeah a gold reset would be nice and there would flow gold out of the economy which would lead to a better economy again ...


like 1g reset for group summon and 5/10 g for the instant dragon and stuff

#850290 Body and Soul - Bugged

Posted by Lagenia on 19 February 2014 - 07:54 in Bug Reports

well what you explain is exactly the wrong thing ... crimson chain / dark prayer is no single target it is multiple target ... and heals give 80% mana reg to targets ... 


Dark prayer for example targets EVERY ally. I think they should rethink the "single target" on spells that doesnt target a specific player / monster

#850289 Gems and Jewelry

Posted by Lagenia on 19 February 2014 - 07:51 in Suggestions

I made a minimum of 10k gold from my Jewelry yet ... dunno about the other professions as i only level them for myself 

#850072 Using Bait - totally bugged?

Posted by Lagenia on 18 February 2014 - 13:23 in Bug Reports

So bait was changed to provide bonus exp on use, let us know how you are getting on with using it now!



Fishing Makerele now - just amazing ... 


140-180 without bait

190-290 with bait

240-430 with bait + xp pot

#850069 Extreme lag during Kongar

Posted by Lagenia on 18 February 2014 - 12:47 in Bug Reports

The problem also exists on Dragon - i think that Dragon uses any abilities which may cause hardcore spikes. And this is something almost everyone experiences.



I have a i7 newest generation, with 6 core 4.8 Ghz, 32 GB Ram, 6 GB Graphiccard newest ATI generation R9 290x ... so an extrem gaming computer and can run every game on max details without problems - so it is not the copmuter at least :)


and had like 1-5 second spikes every ~10-15 seconds ...


only experienced this on Dragon so far (didnt do Kongar yet)

#850035 Gems and Jewelry

Posted by Lagenia on 18 February 2014 - 09:56 in Suggestions

I would love to see something like "closed sockets" on weapons, which have to be "opened" by jeweler.


Or Recipes, that can add Sockets to existing weapons / armor / jewelry.


Also the whole Gem Heart function i kind of see as a Jewelry Function but yeah im ok with that if everyone is able to do this. 

#850033 Wands vs. Staves

Posted by Lagenia on 18 February 2014 - 09:47 in Suggestions

noone is crying that swords can be 2h and 1h + shield / 1h + 1h ... but when it comes to mage staff everyone does? give me a reason for this cry...


dps for mage is only calculated by the essence you are using, so this wouldnt change because wands would be normal melee / range weapons (for example a range autohit like the essence - and no melee autohit possible anymore - or just a melee autohit like staffs have now).


With wands there would be even more possibilities for every kind of hybrid class - and also i am used to play mages with 1 handed weapons over 2 handed staffs.


Something i would like to see is

  • remove haste from staffs - add spell damage to staffs
  • add haste to wands only - make a small spell damage reduction

As Staffs should be slow but powerfull and Wands should be Fast but weaker

#850018 Body and Soul - Bugged

Posted by Lagenia on 18 February 2014 - 08:29 in Bug Reports

my heals apply manalized - this means (for normal thinking people) - that it applies the manalized to the healed targets ... and not to myself.


If its no bug it definitely is implemented very stupid ...

#849928 Body and Soul - Bugged

Posted by Lagenia on 17 February 2014 - 19:23 in Bug Reports

It only applies the 80% mana reg buff to targets i heal with single target spell - in the description its written that my heals apply the manalized buff to the targets of the heal ... so a mass heal like crimson / dark prayer should apply this buff to everyone - but it seems as if its not working.



Or it only applies the buff, when the target is actually healed - is it ment to be this way? because then it would be useless for every ranged player i heal with aoe for this buff ... actually for everyone it would be useless except for the tank most of the times

#849824 Autofill sacks option

Posted by Lagenia on 17 February 2014 - 06:32 in Suggestions

would be also nice if we can sell content to npc without having them do discard from sacks

you can - just sell the sack and it sells the content as long as the sack isnt empty u get your sack back

#849823 Heroic Staff not so Heroic...

Posted by Lagenia on 17 February 2014 - 06:17 in Archived Bug Reports

Why should this staff be even near the crafted one when it rolls a socket? ...


it got 32 vit, 63 sorc and 63 focus END ... no random stat, no socket roll, nothing - and thats crap in every way a random roll should be a MUST HAVE even if this random roll may be a bad one - but there should be one

#849218 Trappers atoll, an area with great potential. Suggestions for changes!

Posted by Lagenia on 14 February 2014 - 12:52 in Suggestions

With the suggested Ressource change i only see 1 problem coming up ... The OP Fighter of the world form a group and gather lvl 48 materials all day long (or other mats which they want) and kill everyone that comes near - so they have everything all the time ... while lower player or unskilled PVP player have no chance of collecting anything, because they get just stomped

#849215 PVP Suggestions (Wilderness and Staked duels)

Posted by Lagenia on 14 February 2014 - 12:45 in Suggestions

Loosing stuff like in runescape is kinda not fitting for eldevin though ... As in runescape you dont have Bound Equip, here you do ... so getting someones equip would (at least at the given point) be useless and would lead to abuse if it gets unbound when dying in wildy :P

#849166 Crafting XP Rate Change

Posted by Lagenia on 14 February 2014 - 09:34 in Suggestions

The xp rates on my example where just random, not actual values (but coming close)

#849155 Crafting XP Rate Change

Posted by Lagenia on 14 February 2014 - 08:28 in Suggestions

Right now it is a really wierd system ... where you get a certain amount of xp for each Tier (lvl 2/3/4...)


I would rather see a XP Value for each Level Tier based on a xp/item ratio



for example: 


Level 5 craft takes 10 timber + 2 strings -> now: giving 100 xp   later: giving 8,4xp /item result: 100,8 xp


Level 10 craft takes 20 timber + 4 strings -> now: giving 180 xp later: giving 9,4 xp /item result: 225,6 xp


OR 2 x Level 5 craft 20 timber + 4 strings -> now 200 xp (more than lvl 10) and later: 201,6 xp (so still less than when crafting the "new" level 10, as higher craft should be givin more xp)


This way it would be always increased xp with higher level, not that much, but less frustrating having to craft 2 low level items for the same amount of ressources as a high level craft, but less xp for the same ressources.

#849107 Alk's Suggestions & Feedback

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 23:04 in Suggestions

2) no




You can be very very happy that there is a free respec anyways, most (if not all) f2p games charge for this and you are not able to respec at all without real money costs.


Also you get free respecs on hard skill changes like the last patch, so i think its ok this way.


And if you want to play more classes you have to invest the 400 EP for a new char, thats my opinion at least

#849105 Infinite xp after MAX Level

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 23:02 in Suggestions

This is actually implemented already :)


We'll be adding leaderboards to the website within the next few weeks and the 'uncapped xp' value will be used for the rankings. Note this also applies to skill xp.


is the xp allready counting or will it start with the implementation of leaderboards?

#849065 Infinite xp after MAX Level

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 22:05 in Suggestions

btw this suggestion counts towards every kind of xp wether crafting / gathering / combat (normal char lvl) ... as you should be recogniced with what you do ... wether its crafting / running around and picking up things :) / running around and hitting things :P

#848880 Infinite xp after MAX Level

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 17:19 in Suggestions

I would really love to see a "infinite" xp gather after max level.


So that you can, for example stack your experience up to a Limit of idk 500 Million / 1000 Million or whatever as a real MAX.


this should be in a new XP pool, so it wont affect the actual Level, once a new content release pops in with Level increases - so the pool just gets added after and no instant level up is possible after a lvl update :)



this would be amazing for leaderboards to see a total xp gained and would make people want to train train train and compare each other and go up the rankings in certain skills

#848859 Trial of champions in lfg queue please.

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 16:22 in Suggestions

ToC needs a complete makeover - but i think the devs allready are in knowledge of this and hopefully we will see something good happen anytime :)

#848858 WASD Review

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 16:20 in Suggestions

wouldnt change the fact why most people hate it ... 


19 Letters to make everyone happy:


Costumizable Hotkeys

#848855 Autofill sacks option

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 16:15 in Suggestions

people always think its so easy ... you had some programming lessons? super!


It is easy if the system is built up right in the first place to just simply add one of those lines.


But the implementation of making items autosackable or not would require at least a new class (or a class attribute - if there is a own class for example the picked up item). This class / classattribute must hold the value of sackable yes/no and a method to set this value for each item that can be gathered.


So if the gathered item isnt handled in a single class yet, it would require a lot of codelines to be added, because it shouldnt be a stupid system which just adds everything into a sack when you retrieve it, because that wouldnt be what i want. For example when i mine Crystals i want the quartz to be added into the sacks, but the crystal powder not. As Crystal powder has much higher stacks and can be easily placed in backpacks to safe room for more stone output. Also when i pick up a random ressource i dont want it to be auto sacked that i have to unsack it again and then do whatever (sell / destroy)


Basically when the item is picked up a function must run over your inventory and possible all your backpacks if there is a unfilled sack, if yes, another function have to be run over this item, if the Item is toggled as auto-sack or not and then the 3rd function of placing the item into the sack instead of the function of placing it into inventory has to be run ... 


If u just watch the last 3 lines you see there are 3 functions that have to run ... and now you have to check if you can add this 3 functions in your existing code or not ... is the game allready programmed for this 3 functions to be added or do you need functions in different classes to retrieve the values needed for this comparisons to make them work.


And after adding this functions the output must still be fast ... so performance is a very hard point to look at, because you dont want to get the item 1 second after you picked it, you want to get it in 0 seconds (for your eyes).


Yeah if you make a small game where you can pick up things and they get placed into sacks ur "hard code" is probably right ... but on a larger project even small changes can be gamebreaking ... Can sound stupid to people that have not much / nothing to do with gameprogramming ... but thats a fact.

#848807 Record PvP kills as most damage dealt rather than final hit

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 14:21 in Suggestions

With this suggestion i would also add a KDA ratio not just a KD


So you get an Assist for doing at least 5/10% (or for healer when healing while a certain amount of damage is done while the attacker kills the other) of the dmg done and the kill for highest % done 

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