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Member Since 30 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2022 15:46

#977462 Elite Pack now available!

Posted by Filletminion on 03 March 2017 - 20:39

Hmm Hopefully someone does not have a short term cash flow problem...Sure looks like it.

#977004 We're hiring!

Posted by Hoofmaster on 21 February 2017 - 18:06

We're hiring! We're looking for an outgoing, enthusiastic and friendly person to join our team in Elgin, Moray to help provide world-class support to our players across all our games.
Check the following PDF for more details and information on how to apply!

#975551 treasure chests

Posted by Egami on 17 January 2017 - 21:29

To avoid following Egami diatribe, I'd suggest:


A character preference choice that allows you to choose when auto-walking on the new map to stop (or not) when your character hits a square with a chest on it.


Thought process is below IF you are interested.


I would be against this idea, but there is a huge BUT in this... and notice it only has one "t".


I didn't bother to read the thread beyond the intro, and will try to do so and like the post if it has appeared this far. Just busy.


The major problem, for me at least, is that the auto-walk on the new screen makes finding a Chest next to impossible.


Part of the fun was, as I understood it, walking around and randomly finding one. 


In that light, I would recommend the following:


A character preference choice that allows you to choose when auto-walking on the new map to stop when your character hits a square with a chest on it.


That makes logical sense to me in what I "thought" was the idea behind the entire idea at the beginning and wouldn't shift "too much" how it has already evolved. 


I do get that it would involve coding. I also get that peeps who are Titan Hunting would prefer to turn it off.

#975538 treasure chests

Posted by yotwehc on 17 January 2017 - 18:52

How about a new buff? That will auto stop you if you are walking across the map and you happen to step on a square with an SE or chest? Going one square at a time and waiting for the action tab to refresh is... not fun...

#283 Guide to Account Merging and FAQ

Posted by Zorg on 29 September 2012 - 14:00

All our games have now been added to the Hunted Cow portal and you may now merge your old game accounts in to new Hunted Cow global accounts.

When you go to the game from this site, using one of the links here you'll arrive with a token that identifies who you are. You'll then be given the option to either create a new account (usually just by filling out a game character name) or merge an old account.

If you merge an old account in to your Hunted Cow account future visits will simply log you in to that account on arrival.

What about my character name?
Names on our various games are unique to that site, the display name you pick here is just for the forums. So you'll get to keep your old name on any game we merge in to.

I made a new account instead of merging my old account!
Oops, you'll have to contact support using the bar at the top of our pages and ask them to remove your new accidentally created account so you can go back and merge your already existing account.

What if I have more than one account on a game?
Well, that's not allowed! Except on Gothador and Solar Fleet, when you arrive there you'll be asked which character you wish to login with and given the option to add more characters to your Hunted Cow account if you wish.

But my name on a game is different to my name here!
We know this can be confusing, but if you're in a games forum you'll see posters game details below their avatar to the left. We'll be adding more detailed profiles soon as well so you can see all the characters a player has.

But I don't want to merge my accounts! :(
Well aren't you grumpy, we'll be giving various incentives and rewards for doing so along the way and we think this new system is a vast improvement over the old segregated accounts, forums and support systems.

Feel free to post any other questions you have regarding merges here and I'll do my best to answer them!

#972578 Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

Posted by BigGrim on 29 November 2016 - 10:37

Okay, enough. Stop arguing about Seasons please.


On topic : 


Chazz224, sorry but I see no way that we'd ever open the level ranges up to the extent you are proposing. They are far, far to extreme.

#805595 A list of guilds accepting members.

Posted by AttorraRu on 10 August 2013 - 19:09

Created new thread as last one was Roan who is currently inactive. Hope things settle for you soon mate.

Post a reply with your level requirements and I'll add you to the list! Would prefer the guild founder to be the one to post, but will accept main recruiter as well.


Will check guilds for activity once a month, if all members are inactive I reserve the right to remove it from the list. Any guild not found on the list in game will be deleted.


A Light in the Black - Level 5+

Angellife - Level 421+

Anno - Any level IRC interview required

Aurora - Any Level

Ascension - Any Level

Big Trouble -Any Level


Coalition of Freedom - Any Level

CYRBUCK - 100+, unless GvGer, in which case level 42+

Enchantment - Any Level

Eternal Legends - Recruiting all levels of active players

Fallen Empire -Any Level

Firewalkers  - Any Level

For Fracks Sake - Level 421+

Gaz Squad - Any Level

Gutbuster Brigade - Any Level No GVGers

GvG Champion of Fs - Any Level

Halls of Justice ? Any level

Hammer Of Ice - Any Level

Highland Castle Knights  Any level

Ikoko Knights -  Level 150 and below, players level 200 and above must have own gear.

League of Cain - Level 300+

Lords Of Godly Power - Any Level

Lost Knights - Any Level

Middle Earth - Any Level

Minions of Mirkwood - - Level Requirement: 1,101+ - Min 10.000 max stamina - Max upgraded stamina gains - Max upgraded XP gains

Mythology - Any Level

Pillars of Creation - Any Level (but you'll be semi-naked until level 4)

Pulling Together - Any Level

Quest titans - Any Level

Restless - Level 250+

Rise Against3000 stamina and level 200+

Scions of Might -  Level 150+

Secret Alliance – Level 421+ If Join Date before June 2012. Otherwise Level 200+

Sharingan Warriors- Level 4+

Sinfully Guilty - Level 5+.  Need to answer some questions though.

Sword Master - Level 200+

The Beginning of the End - Level 150+

The Brand - Level 5+ - GvGer: Level 50, Level 200

The Brotherhood of Darkness - Level 15+

The Dunedain Nights Watch - GvGers level 160-190 Need own set

The HighwaymenLevel 300+ Must have own Offline Set

The Legion of the Fallen Gods - Any Level

The Lost Swords -Any Level

The Merovingians - Any Level have gear available from level 4 up

The Rising Immortal Phoenix - Any level

Tortured Souls - Any Level

Turins Companions - level 65+ - application on forum

Warrior Kings - PVP


#972817 Scheduled Maintenance.

Posted by Removed4427 on 01 December 2016 - 17:43

new cats for the server wheel



#966077 "Cristatus Go" Fallensword Edition

Posted by Removed4427 on 21 July 2016 - 15:58

A refreshing change to see a light-hearted, happy thread


a rare thing in this, what always seems to be The Forum of the Damned

#966054 Dieting

Posted by Removed4427 on 21 July 2016 - 05:04


#960539 New GvG idea

Posted by EpicPiety on 10 March 2016 - 20:58

Thought this was about GvG? For the last 2 pages i have been reading arguments about Recruiting and Buffs... Rules are fairly simple for GvG ... Get attacked = Defend ... Attack someones guild put in your 50 to 100 hits then Defend... Protect your guild from incoming attacks by buffing to help cause misses... If you dont like GvG then don't participate it is part of the game and if you choose to sit in epics the don't whine about being hit ( you are an easy target ) nobody cares that GvG's if your guild likes to or not or wether your gear takes damage or not... If you have complaints write a Ticket to HCS .. Will they do anything ... NO... Because this is a part of the game like any other... Cheers.!

Right totally agree you pretty much hit the nail on the head. I guess for the sake of debate the topic GvG eventually transcended into complexity. Which i think is rather good because there is more than meets the eye to many aspects in FS. I boiled it down to checks and balances... Which actually can be applied to any aspect GvG aside. There will always be a disadvantage to every advantage and vise versa. At least there SHOULD be... When suddenly something lays heavily more towards one end of the spectrum that's when you know something's not right :P. In return the respective aspect will suffer heavily!


This is why "fixing" something that's not necessarily broken is extremely harmful. There has been a tendency throughout FS to do just this. Of course it is noted that player activity can be taken into account for aspects to fail. There was a time when GvG was inactive very inactive! But after the addition of the new GvG epics it has then been slowly fixing overtime :). I would say GvG is far more active than before the GvG epics came out. Personally i wouldn't touch GvG because everything point's towards the Disadvantages and Advantages of GvG being in tandem. I like to believe GvG is perfect as it is because of this...


I know adding an incentive is in return a sort of temporary fix but with GvG i beg to differ. GvG is one of the only aspects in the game to allow a very slow rate of items into the game. In return until the Epic is suddenly outdated by a new and improved epic the item will be a huge incentive! Which in return makes adding incentives to GvG a permanent fix rather than a temporary one. I guess going off track a little bit but if this ideology can be applied to everything especially PvP ladder/titan hunting/arena/any aspect... They could most likely see major improvements if this was true! There is a direct correlation to an aspect failing and low incentive. Don't believe me? Look back at the game when there was major incentive in just about every aspect in the game. In the end i believe it's far better to have GREAT reward through GREAT effort than simply being Slightly rewarded through LITTLE TO NO effort. Somehow call me greedy if you want but that's just my thought on FS and honestly life in general... 


Hope you guys found this post insightful :)

#960540 New GvG idea

Posted by Egami on 10 March 2016 - 21:55

My summary of what's been posted so far:


As I stated back at the beginning, I wouldn't vote for this idea because I don't think Defending guilds need further incentive. 


That doesn't change because of beg's post #98.


In fact, the example beg gave only reinforced that. They defended on the GvG for the reward that is already in place.


The assumption that the initiating Guild should not get the RP for full attacks on a draw seems questionable to me at best.


Don't forget that initiating Guilds pay FSP and gold in order to start a GvG.


By requiring speed to be a factor, you are forcing guilds with members all over the world to have people on at the same time.


Personally, I refrained from giving advice on how to effectively protect from gold repair (one of the complaints in this thread) because I don't personally believe that it has anything to do with the topic at hand. Beyond that, I didn't get the feeling that the advice would fall on those who "apparently" had an issue with it.


In my eye, the thread was a proposal to make a change to how GvG works, not doing away with it. 


That said, there is a lot of great info here about how to deal with those issues. However, it's been a long time since I read the only guide on it. Regardless, all the advice might be more helpful in a thread where that is actually the topic. Something along the lines of: how to diminish damage from being a GvG target. That might even be turned into a guide, but yeah... that's just my two cents. 


 Again, thank you beg for the post. I'm sorry it got so sidetracked. Thanks for bringing it back to topic with post #98.

#960376 Easter Special Event Suggestion

Posted by murabane on 07 March 2016 - 21:34

Only downside to releasing chests within the game through the realms is us higher level players have more access to more realms and more of those chests. You would have to limit us in someway to make it fair to the lower levels, and those with less stamina. Plus it would need to be something they could code quickly. 



You can make it part of a quest and then it would be limited(being a seasonal quest), as a reward for completion you could get lets just say 2-3 keys(or tie the keys into the global with tier qualification, having to talk to the quest giver to get the keys unlocked for the selected tiers) and access to a vault of chest where you can choose between a few chests all with their own random skill potions, frag stashes, arena token stash, or even a ladder token stash then every playing style has a chance to win something they could actually use. 


For instance,


Open Frag chest for a random frag reward(Frag number and type would be random)

Open Arena chest for random token stash(Amount of tokens would be random)

Open Ladder chest(Similar to arena chest tokens would be random)


And you would be able to use all your keys on one chest(reward per key), or select between the different types. 

One draw back would be the tokens and being able to profit off them, but if they are not outrageous in the amount they give it would be ok... since you can profit off of skill potions through hunting, farming, titan hunting or what have you. I guess it would just depend on your outlook on that kind of matter.


You can make the qualification for the quest so that the person must qualify for the minimum amount of global kills in order to start the quest(2k kills minimum something simple or make them count as 2 kills per kill). Killing the Mutated Egg(Global creature), which could be considered an egg hunt just hunting bad eggs. New item for killing the new globals could be an Egg Beater tongue.png. You can either make it to where you get 1 key for tier 1(bronze), 2 keys for tier 3(gold), and 3 keys for tier 5(ruby) qualification. Or you just get all 3 keys or whatever for just qualifying.





But with some special chests in the future i would like to see something similar to the freedom we have with composing, select you own buffs for your chest from a predetermined selection of buffs and durations of them from HCS. Right now we are able to select between potions, so it would be the same concept you would just frankenstein your own special potion. That could save people from having to overlap 2 or 3 chests to get their desired combination as they have been doing. Right now the global potions are maxed at 6 skills, we can keep that just add more buffs to the mix(like our 2k+ buffs with levels within reason). But this thought may have to be for another day and a different forum postwink.png

#960045 Gargantuan Mosquitos V

Posted by BigGrim on 02 March 2016 - 13:30

Hi there everyone.
The Gargantuan Mosquito were once normal little irritants. How ever this has been a long, hot, damp summer and the humid temperatures have seen the Mosquito population explode. As if this were not bad enough, Mages across the Realms have reported rogue magic concentrations that have allowed the Mosquitos to grow to monstrous size.
Now these beasts are buzzing around and draining people and livestock of their blood. Any unlucky survivors find themselves struck with a magical fever which spreads to other living beings, weakening them, making them easy prey!
The Warriors of the Realms must gather together to rid the Communities of these horrifying vermin!

Gargantuan Mosquito (Level 25)


Envenomed Mosquito (Level 25)


The latest Global Event in Fallen Sword is now underway! In the Event, the Community must work together to destroy the Gargantuan Mosquito plaguing the realms.
Each player must earn a personal target for increasingly powerful chests (mouse over the event info on the World page for more details) while also helping the Community to attain the best total kills possible, unlocking the rewards for all.
The Global Event shall be live until 13:30 (Server Time) on the 7th of March 2016.
For each tier that the community completes the reward will be as follows:
Bronze: 1 x Jigsaw Box
Silver: 1 x Rusted Iron Box
Gold: 1 x Decorated Lock Box
Crystal: 2 x Crystalline Box
Ruby: 3 x Cut Ruby Box
If you qualified, the reward(s) will be delivered to your mailbox shortly after the event ends. Note that you get the reward for the tier that you have qualified for, for example if the community unlocks Gold, but you qualify for Silver, you will receive 1 x Rusted Iron Box. You don't receive the rewards from lower tiers, only the tier you have qualified for.
If at the end of the event, you are placed within the top 100 contributors, you will receive 2 x Cut Ruby Box in addition to any reward you are qualified for.

Additionally, the top 3 contributors at the end of the event will each be given the chance to design a new Legendary Creature and associated set!
There is a helpful forum post RIGHT HERE full of information on Global hunting grounds and so on compiled from the Community by Egami.

Good luck everyone!
~ The Fallen Sword Team

#956271 Epic Prices

Posted by RebornJedi on 02 January 2016 - 15:23

I'm more into making the the epics more valuable through using the items with inventing or being able to breakdown/sacrificing them for something else, other than taking certain titans off the fields/rotating..

Epics are mainly used for stamina gain.. How about letting players sacrifice(destory) one epic for a god to gain its stamina gain for a certain period of time (days/weeks/month).. Have to restrict it to one item per period of course..

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