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Maury Bund

Member Since 16 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2016 15:51

#877740 Scavenging Caves Assaulted!

Posted by Maury Bund on 07 July 2014 - 18:01

Thank you for the event. I needed a reminder as to why I don't use the scavenging caves.

#871269 Rise of the Wraiths III (Global)

Posted by Maury Bund on 02 June 2014 - 00:54

So far, I have participated in every Global Event that has come out, since their inception. With the amount of fragments I already have, I actually have zero reason to join in this one or probably the next 20 Global frag events, other than to tick another mark on my qualify medal. This will mostly likely be the first I skip, unless I change my mind at the last minute.


I know there are a number of players who very much into composing. It is a nice additional way to have some extra buffs and sink gold for the overall community. I do, however, find it hard to believe that the majority of the player base is THAT concerned with Composing potions that they really need this many event stashes.


I get you are trying to pump out a larger number of GE's to help players build their medals and don't want to over saturate the player base with mega potions, but...


my concern is that when composing was introduced, we were told LE and Spine events would become far more frequent now but these types of events, this often, are going to negate much of that need. Please try to find a balance between the two.

#869030 Guild Conflict Update

Posted by Maury Bund on 16 May 2014 - 15:39

I'm going to be discussing PvP changes with BigGrim next week - I'll share with you all once we have a solid plan :)

Please put on the table the reversal of EVERY hit being available for bounty. I understand why you felt the need to do it, but IMO it was probably the worst update to PvP ever. It drastically changed if a player would hit for gold as a Deflect or Protect Gold occurrence would make the attack not worth the effort and far less incentive for a second try. It also HUGELY changed the strategy of delevel/guild defense parties to be stuck with only 1 option- use as many players as possible so that it becomes expense to rebounty all attackers, instead of being able to choose select groups to lose levels in defense of guildmates.

#866619 A Soul in Need, a Friend in Me

Posted by Maury Bund on 02 May 2014 - 20:39

With the current population base, it is tough to find dungeon runs. There are many of us at EoC still trying to find enough runs to get a full set. Those looking for lower tier instances, I'm sure are having an even tougher time. This is going to discourage player retention, if it hasn't already lost us quite a few. I'm sure many EoC players, who are still working to get equipment, really wouldn't mind helping on these lower runs, but are either spending their time trying to get at level gear or look at the cost of repairs on wear alone vs possible drops being too upside down to make it worth the time. What I want to propose is that there should be a daily quest set for each dungeon below your level, similar to Test of Might, that would benefit players of all levels.


Rewards would be fixed (not a bag of random draw) and be based on a multiplier for each Current Level Player (dungeon level-1 to dungeon level+3) an Above Level Players runs through. Zero Current will equal no rewards. The more Current Level Players run through, the more work for the Above Level Player, but also a bigger reward.


I would suggest choices of (for each Current Player on team):


10) Boondocks: .25 AP, .25 Above Player Relic Tokens, 10 Silver, x Prestige Points

15) Vault: .50 AP, .25 Above Player Relic Tokens, 25 Silver, x Prestige Points

20) Ohdar Scar: .75 AP, .5 Above Player Relic Tokens, 50 Silver, x Prestige Points

25) GC or SV: 1 AP, .5 Above Player Relic Tokens, 75 Silver, x Prestige Points

30) GC or SV: 1.25 AP, .75 Above Player Relic Tokens, 100 Silver, x Prestige Points (must complete 25 1st)

35) To3: 1.5 AP, 1 Above Player Relic Tokens, 125 Silver, x Prestige Points

40)TR: 1.75 AP, 1.25 Above Player Relic Tokens, 150 Silver, x Prestige Points


45+ dungeons can be extended on, once new content is added.


In this, I left x for Prestige Points value, as I have no relation as to what it should be as I never take it (as most probably don't either).


Using this model, can you get as many tokens from running TR as you do RG or BT? Yes, but it is only once a day, and if you only run the 45 level dungeons once, with the daily, you can get 6-7 tokens on the run, but still have potential to keep running it for more.


This will also help those trying run Ohdar, or others, to go back and run Vault or Boondocks to help add to their token totals. This is not just for EoCer's.


Another possible reward for EoCer's that run 4 Current Level players through an instance would be a FIXED (no multiplier used) 1 Ascended Token for 10-25, and 2 Ascended Tokens for 30-40.

#859263 Remove NPC Potions

Posted by Maury Bund on 01 April 2014 - 21:33

I really don't think there is anyone above lvl 25 using store bought potions. The crafted ones are generally easy to find for those who haven't spent time leveling that skill. Having potions that can be got quickly during a heavy set of instance runs, should be kept in the game. No one, when grouped up, will want to stop for 15-45 min to find someone selling potions. I understand your frustration in leveling a skill with little return, as I have maxed or near maxed several.

#858687 Radical PvP Rework

Posted by Maury Bund on 30 March 2014 - 03:30

Honestly, I really don't think we need more rewards PvP, just less penalty for it and more encouragement from HCS to bring other players into this field and show them that it is not actually the workings of Satan. Prestige and Ladder token/items were meant to bring more into PvP and reward those who were doing good. Where did that really get thiings?


Love to see a PvPGlobal Event to go with the Frag event that does:


  • Put all bounties on a hold until after event when timer will stat back up
  • Put PvP protection already bought also on hold until after event
  • All players put into Ladder, whether opted before hand or not
  • Only 10 stam attacks are allowed during event and none of the attacks can be bountied, during or after
  • 50% of xp taken is actually goes to attacker (only during event)
  • Rewards for pots placed on # of kills a player makes, maybe 50/day for length of event (some ranges are small, so could be even less with only 1 attempt/ hr)
  • XP lock is not available until after event
  • Players wishing to opt out can buy protection after event starts, but at a higher than normal cost, and forfeiting any chance of reward or ability to jump back in
  • Top 100 kill totals get bonus 2 Ruby chests, and all bracket winners get 1 bonus Ruby chest


I know. Dumb idea.

#858212 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by Maury Bund on 27 March 2014 - 19:30

If you bother to read the thread, you'll see that we are looking at immunity for 10 stam hits.

I have read the thread and I understand that you are considering immunity for 10 stam bounty hits, at this point. What I am asking is how are they going to have a target on the BB to start with?

How is there going to be an increase to BB targets and not a decrease, when the 2nd of the 3 items will inhibit PvP even more?

  • No ladder hits. Less targets
  • So little gold taken on a hit, plus gold sinks, means not many players to attack for that reason. Less targets
  • Prestige only nets an additional 1% for hit 1-5, at a risk of losing 5-25 levels to get to that 2% and so on (yes, you get prestige from BB but if no players on it, how are you going to get it?). Less targets
  • No time limit means you are losing 20% of a level regardless of stam spent buffing up, if not more, and stacking the bounties (for which the time limit was implemented, you do remember that update?), means greater risk for even less reward.  Less targets
  • Players with Deflect on can bounty, even if the attack failed with no stam loss to attacker as if it did not happen, but can still go to BB for even thinking about it. Too much risk, too little reward. Less targets.
  • Players who post to the BB, without having a group of friends to assist, rarely put more than the barest minimum reward to entice more than 1 BHer at time and somehow expect maximum justice. If you granted immunity to all that did not clear the bounty, but at least tried, there will usually only be the 1 that starts it that makes any of the hits (which is already most of the time).

There are probably several more reasons I can throw up here that show a decline towards doing any sort of PvP, but I hope you get the direction I am trying to take. Several others in here have also posted the you need to increase PvP incentives.


You are entitled to dislike PvP and you own the game more than any of the players. If you want to remove PvP from the game, that is fine. Just be honest about it.

#857793 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by Maury Bund on 26 March 2014 - 21:02

Why has no one said anything about the removal of the bounty time clock? This was put in as a compensation when ALL hits became available to bounty. If you are taking this aspect back, are you also removing the stacking of multiple bounties? You CANNOT do both and consider it a fair deal.

#852266 Rise of the Wraiths (Global Event)

Posted by Maury Bund on 28 February 2014 - 21:38

No. This is designed to get more people composing. 

When is the event planned that is designed to get more people trying PvP?

#851345 Ability to return to Forbidding Isle

Posted by Maury Bund on 23 February 2014 - 17:30

Thanks for the heads up. I'll leave it open until this is changed.

#841157 Game Update v2.39

Posted by Maury Bund on 16 January 2014 - 04:06

If the buyer HAS to pay for all buff requests put out and the buffer gets 10 minutes to sit around, I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER attempt to use this "service" again. Not everyone can wait 10 min on every request. If the buffer is active 3 minutes should be the max before requests expire. If the buyer has to beware, the seller should be required to be alert.

#823059 100 stams in GvG

Posted by Maury Bund on 29 November 2013 - 18:48

Plenty of EoC players looking to get 100 stammed without retaliation to "earn" your Smasher medal, that this doesn't even need to be discussed. Off the board, non-Ladder hits would have to be put back in before this, and that isn't going to happen either.

#820103 PvP Colosseum (new concept to PvP).

Posted by Maury Bund on 15 November 2013 - 17:06

... but limiting players to only be able to buff themselves, or have buffs cast on them that is of their level only will help keep competition a little more fair.

I find this rather amusing. Long time back, I proposed that the PvP Ladder be set like this to make it more Player vs Player and not Player vs Guild buffing, as I thought it would bring more balance to players wanting to compete in smaller guilds with a lower overall player level against those with some top tier and also give those who built their character for PvP more than leveling a  true chance to shine. BG seemed to like it and wanted to try and run with the idea, but then many players, mostly from "PvP Guilds," (don't think you were one of them) cried out that this was not fair or a good idea and it got canned. Amazingly, a short time later, one of the "Leveling Guilds" brought in a low level player who dominated a bottom tier bracket, using this "exploit" but no one seemed to say anything about it. Go figure.

#815832 Armor type vs Movement Speed

Posted by Maury Bund on 10 October 2013 - 22:19

Has there been any real discussion about the overall speed of movement for a player wearing light, medium or heavy armor? In RL, a player wearing plate or chain mail would never move as fast a someone wearing a cloth hoodie.


Most of the time, one can outrun any mob when needed. The additional 10% movement speed buff from Ranger is nice, but makes little difference in the world and from the limited amount of time I've been in the PvP Arena, the area is too small to make much difference either.


Outside of the class buffs that say + for each type of armor or the addition of sorc or ranged points for those 3 classes, where is the disadvantage for turtling up?


Not sure how much a disparity it may cause in the arena, but I would think a small penalty for medium and heavy might be nice to see.


I would think 0% for each light armor pc equipped, .75% for each Medium Armor, and 1.5% for each Heavy Armor pc reduction in movement speed should be in the neighborhood.

#814286 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Maury Bund on 02 October 2013 - 02:25

I loath having to Invent stuff. Since the idea was introduced, I get nothing but quest after quest after quest after quest after quest of having to do this, and hope I don't fail and have to retry. Sure, I can skip them, but I try to get all of them done, and sometimes have to go back to complete.


Since, the PvP rating system was revamped, we lost the 2 (?) quest that called for any kind of non-risk kind of play. We consistently hear that "this is a PvP game." If this is the case, then should there not be an equal amount of quests that require players to attack one another? Those that dislike PvP have the option not to do it, but there should be some areas that they are locked out of, like I get sometimes, until I complete a friggin invent quest.


This is not something I think should be as one of the next towns on the roadmap, but I firmly believe we need to stop there for gas and the urinal somewhere down the line.

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