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Member Since 16 Oct 2015
Offline Last Active Nov 18 2023 09:45

#960633 Player who is planning to try out fallensword.

Posted by SirAdmiral on 13 March 2016 - 16:47


#958392 Why are most rp items so underpowered

Posted by SirAdmiral on 02 February 2016 - 13:43

As for the OP, I agree there are items that need to be adjusted somehow... but not so much the Epics. The main selling point for them is the stam gain and bonus stamina. Plus you can EH 100 with just a single item.

Having said that, the level 100-200 Epics are ridiculously all around with the exception of the Ward and Krumpers.

#958368 Why are most rp items so underpowered

Posted by SirAdmiral on 02 February 2016 - 02:08

Power creep.

Look at poor Tarbidas.

#956824 PvP Ladder Bands

Posted by SirAdmiral on 10 January 2016 - 16:27

Yea i struggled to level up composing because of that .. now i got to level 51 but dont have motivation to keep going lol
i have handful pots from composing but i don't find ladder fun even i have advantage over someone without composing pots.
i would be happy to see pvp ladder running without buffs , only gears stats

Oh god, I would NEVER place then lol.

#956700 Epic Prices

Posted by SirAdmiral on 08 January 2016 - 14:59

No one item should ever be 300 FSP anyways.

That is ridiculous and I could never understand the people with more money than brains who would pay retarded prices for those items.

#955709 75 Thousand Gold in one hunt!

Posted by SirAdmiral on 21 December 2015 - 18:48

Congrats! I can't wait to take it from you (:

#955073 Adding more filters to UFSG

Posted by SirAdmiral on 13 December 2015 - 17:38

Enhancement bonuses are not shown in sets.

It would also be nice to maybe sort by items enhancements.

#954410 The Best Player Medal!

Posted by SirAdmiral on 04 December 2015 - 13:17

Most of the medals should not be counted.

#953909 Unfinished Business

Posted by SirAdmiral on 26 November 2015 - 02:56

It's funny how now that 1600-1800 isn't EoC and more people have reached there that HCS have said they'd add more commons in.
Personally I find that quite outrageous, especially given the fact I vehemently argued for this for AGES while I was going through those levels when they were new. Whereby I was told that I should just go hunt somewhere else, or "high levels have it good enough already" etc etc
They should stay as they are, I find they idea of them being changed now to frankly be disgusting and a slap in the face.

The whole game needs commons fixed.

#953421 Fallen Sword.

Posted by SirAdmiral on 18 November 2015 - 10:57

Not letting people race to EoC would probably be a good idea the second go around.

#953419 Guild Change Name

Posted by SirAdmiral on 18 November 2015 - 10:35

I think if your name was ever justinbieber you SHOULD be forced to hold that mark of shame.

#951360 Super elite

Posted by SirAdmiral on 17 October 2015 - 22:57

The solution to Super Elites is bringing back the item values, not adding another drop into the pool.


Just make the devalued sets parts of recipes for new high level sets. No recipe that you have to find and "learn" via scroll... just a window where you combine 3 items and if there is a legit combination, it makes the new item. If it is not a legit combination, they are all destroyed anyways with the words "not a valid combination" displayed. That will at least create a useful sink for them that could raise the values out of abysmal levels.

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