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Member Since 16 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2024 17:04

#1002749 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.6)

Posted by JustConix on 05 January 2021 - 12:19

Happy new year everyone! We hope 2021 is a good one for you all!


Thank you for your continued support and feedback on the app over the holiday period!




Almost every day a situation such as this occurs:


Players are signing up for the game via the app, using Google or FB for log in purposes, then unable to access their accounts in the browser.  It's difficult to explain what needs to be done. 

Wouldn't it be a good idea to have "binding" done inside the app, to include an email + password from the beginning, so that this problem does not occur?

Hi Penny,


We will review how this currently works and look to find a better solution. Will hopefully have something in place for new players joining the app beta in future updates.


Hey guys..... The app needs a clock, so that folks will know what time it is related to ST.


Also, the chat rules need to be added somewhere so that newbies will know what's allowed in global chat and what is not.


Also, I have noticed that when casting quick buffs on others, it's a bit clunky.  Unless I'm missing something, quick buffing is a multi-step process rather than the 2 step process we have now on the browser version.

Both of these are fantastic suggestions Penny! We will have a look and see if we can find some where in the app to display both a clock and the chat rules, but expect to see them both in a future update!


As for quickbuffs, yes, we decided to try something new and use a step process when creating them. The aim of this was to simplify the creation process. Quickbuffs can still be cast quickly from the saved quickbuff list, its only the creation of new quickbuffs that use the step process. We do appreciate your opinion on this and any other changes we make to the app. We are trying to make the best app we can possibly make and if these changes are not popular ones then we can review them.




This is actually problematic in the browser version as well. We are supposed to attack the Titan that number of times. One attack reduces the titan's HP by x number of points, but it counts as one hit on the task counter. So the wording of the quest in the browser version also needs change.

Hi Edith,


Thank you for letting me know this is an issue on browser too, I have passed this along to the browser team who will hopefully have a fix for it soon!


Auction house is still broken. I had bid on several items, then people had outbid me. I couldn't bid again on those items via the app and so I lost several nice items well within my reach *sobs dramatically*.


Also, nothing happens when you press on "(other auctions)" against a player's name in the AH.


Sorting also doesn't work properly as it does in the browser. I want to sort the lowest bid items, but it includes buy now items as well.

Also, thank you for letting me know that the auction house is still experiencing issues. We believed these to be fixed but will review them again and see if we can work out what's going on.




Whenever someone sends ' in chat or log i see ’ insted. I wont see for example I'm, ill see I’m

Hi ZoloKing,


Not entirely sure why this is happening, but we are looking into it and will hopefully find the cause soon! Should have gotten to the bottom of it before the next update.




Thanks again for all the feedback over the holiday period. Hope 2021 is good to you all and as always, Happy Hunting!



  • Zue likes this

#1002066 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.5)

Posted by JustConix on 04 November 2020 - 10:02

Hi ZoloKing, 


I am glad you are enjoying the app!


Thanks for pointing out these issues, We have just looked into them and have found a solution. A fix for this will be in the next update.


~Conix :)

#1001808 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.5)

Posted by JustConix on 16 October 2020 - 11:36

Actually, it seems to be opposite today, so now I'm wondering if it's broken again :-)

At this point I've watched more than 50 ads end-to-end without delay. Seems like I should run out at some point.

Haha yeah, it should run out at some point, I guess just enjoy the ads while the are available.



I've been watching ads back to back as well, I'm getting my shards, but also I get a "Request Timed Out" error..   unsure if it's the app or from the vendor tho

Thanks for pointing out the time out error, we are looking into this at the moment. We believe it is occurring during longer ads, you should still be getting your shards though. Please let me know if any of this is incorrect. Will help with trying to find a solution.


~Conix :)

#1001801 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.5)

Posted by JustConix on 16 October 2020 - 08:25

Hi Treelink,


Thanks for testing out the app, we are glad you are enjoying the new update.


That's awesome!

I watched an ad (Super exciting), and now I get the info that "Viewing limit reached for this Ad. Please try again later"


How long do you have to wait between ads?

I'm afraid ads are handled externally and we have no control as to when they will become available. We have however just made a tweak in our settings that should hopefully help, please let us know if this long wait time between ads continues.


This worked for a few hours, but now the logs are broken again.

"Fail loading Log (ELOAI69)."

Thanks Treelink, we are looking into this now and will hopefully have a fix soon.


~Conix :)

  • Zue likes this

#1000693 Fallen Sword App Update (v0.8.1)

Posted by JustConix on 23 June 2020 - 08:34

It says I need an invitation code to beta test in iOS... Can I have an email sent please?


Hi albertn,


There is a link in the post to sign up for the beta, or you can use this one here to sign up for IOS:


Once you have done so you should receive an automatic email with your code. Let me know if you have any issues receiving this and I can look into it for you.


Conix :)

#999967 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.8)

Posted by JustConix on 17 March 2020 - 09:27

Hi All,


I know the subject of a new server is a split one and there are good arguments to be made on both sides. We have visited this topic as a team on a number of occasions and will probably visit it again a few more times in the future, but at this point we do not believe a new server will be advantageous. We know this is not the decision that some of you are hoping for, but we hope you all respect it and continue to enjoy Fallen Sword for the game it is. 


~The Fallen Sword Team

#999932 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.8)

Posted by JustConix on 11 March 2020 - 18:19

Good afternoon everyone!
We hope you are all enjoying the current version of Fallen Sword on your mobile! Thanks for all the Feedback with this last version and your patience waiting on the next. Well, I am happy to announce that the wait is almost over! The next version is complete and the roll-out process Apple and IOS stores has begun!
This update sees the addition of In App Purchasing, so you will finally be able to buy and use FSP from wherever you are! This however will be an Android only feature for the time being and will be available for Apple users when the app exits beta (v1.0).
We have also added account linking to the game, so you should be able to sign in with ease and never get locked out again! You can do this from the player menu and we encourage you to do this at your earliest convenience!
This update also includes a number of bug fixes and user requested improvements (a full list of which can be seen below) that we think you will all enjoy! Please continue to keep the feedback coming and if you have any other issues, please don't hesitate to let us know! We are determined to make Fallen Sword the best game it can be and we couldn't do that without you! 
We hope you continue to enjoy the Fallen Sword mobile beta going into v0.8 and as always, Happy Hunting!
~The Fallen Sword Team
v0.8 Patch Notes
Below is a list of everything added to Fallen Sword Mobile v0.8 
Account linking.
Features Shout.
Help menu.
In app purchasing (Android).
Report player panel.
Added composing tab for buff selector.
Attacking creature from view creature popup now displays full combat breakdown.
Buff level selector now defaults to max level.
Chat now supports more emojis.
Community tab updated and renamed to spoils of war.
Distance between thumb-stick and footstep button increased.
Floating messages now stack instead of overlapping.
Guild report only shows players with tagged items.
In progress tournaments now displayed at the top of the arena by default.
Join date added to local profile.
Loading times improved on a number of panels.
Log messages now display the sender name.
Mail view/send display updated.
Max combat move set count added to the arena.
Notebook performance improved.
Option to extract fragments from multiple frag stashes at one time.
Option to extract components from multiple resource items at one time.
Player menu updated.
Press and hold to view arena combat move details.
Pull-down to refresh arena tournaments.
Quantity select added to inventing.
Shout-box moved to chat.
Spacing increased between FSP and gold on the HUD.
Update template button now displayed after potion template save.
Bug fixes
Allies sort issue.
Aspect ratio issue on buff select popup.
Attack creature button does not always attack.
Auction keyword filter search.
Bounty targets display issue.
Bounty XP loss display issue.
Buff selector not returning potion only skills.
Chat always opens to global despite the selected type.
Chat flickering issue resolved.
Combat set name overlapping issue.
Crash on return to game.
Global quest kill count sync issue.
Global quest panel header overlapping issue.
Global quest progress bar fill issue.
Group attack intractability.
Guild store filter issue.
Guild tagged Item recall.
Incorrect item stacking.
Infinite loading caused by combat move set rename.
Infinite loading caused by failing to progress quest.
Infinite loading caused by quick-buff rename.
Infinite loading on update combat sets.
Infinite loading on buff select popup.
Inventing failed display issue.
Inventory send issue.
Item display issue on equipment panel.
Last activity time issue.
Quest details slider jumping issue.
Selected combat move display issue.
Send guild invite issue.
Tracked quest panel header overlapping issue.
Unable to untrack quest.
Join The Beta
If you have yet to try the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta then you can join using the links below.
Android: Here
IOS: Here
~The Fallen Sword Team

#999888 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

Posted by JustConix on 27 February 2020 - 16:15

btw, when recalling tagged items, picking to send to your BP sends them to the GS, and vice versa....


Hi Penny, 


Thanks for pointing this out, it is indeed an issue and we are now looking for a fix. Hopefully there will be one for you in the next update :)



hey guys. Love the app. been using it a lot since i started playing again and greatly enjoy it. i do have a couple things id like to bring up though. first off during this last global i figured out that it wasnt updating the kill count properly. it was saying i was somewhere aroung 3500 kills when in face i was around 50k. i had to go to browser to get a accurate kill count. after that i started scanning around to see if anything else wasnt updating properly and found activity times are not do acurate as when i knew someone wad active they showed 5 min+ offline. i restart the app and it fixes it for a while or seems to anyway.

last thing i wanted to being uo is the foot prints button switch thingy, is it possible to move that? i like to have it on but any time im moving down on the map my big thumb hits it off constantly. seems a bit close to thst button. perhaps it can be moved into the settings tab?

thanks for your time! have a great one


1 thing i forgot in my earlier post, currently log messages do not show the senders name. every log message i have to flick back to browser to see who sent it. Is this fix in the cards already?


Hi shadowdrgn,


Really glad you are enjoying the app! As for the Issue with the global kill count, I'm assuming you had the Global Booster buff active? If so then I think I know what the problem is and will fix this for the next update :)


Also, thank you for pointing out the issue with the offline time being inaccurate. I have passed this along to Kamicazer7 who will look into this further :)


As for the footstep button, this is close to the thumb stick by design. Most players use footsteps when hunting for rare creatures that only appear on one tile and only move after being defeated. Having the footsteps allow players to keep track of which tiles they have visited during their hunt and avoid searching the tile twice. When the target is found and defeated they can quickly toggle off and on the steps to refresh the map and begin their search again. It is for this reason we will not be hiding the button in settings as this will greatly slow down the process of hunting. I will however look into this issue and see if there is any way to make the button harder to press and hence stop accidental usage. Sorry if this is not the answer you were hoping for.


Finally, I'm sure you will be happy to know that the issue with log messages has already been fixed. This will be available in the next update :) 

#999669 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.7)

Posted by JustConix on 20 January 2020 - 19:12

Good afternoon everyone!
We hope you are all well and having a happy Monday! If not then we have something that might brighten your day. We have just sent the next version of the Fallen Sword mobile application to both apple and android and versions for both should be out really soon! 
We have spent the majority of time since the last update fixing a number of bugs as well as improving performance in a number of areas. One such issue we have fixed is the broken map of the mountain path. We finally worked out what was going on there and this update puts it back together again! 
You might also notice that the load time in a number of areas have been vastly improved. One such area is the Quest book which is now smoother than ever!
This update also sees improvements made to the filters that will make finding the result you are looking for faster and easier. One such improvement is the addition of a level range, so finding a quest that matches your level has never been easier!
All these changes and many more have been added to this update and we hope they make for a smoother, more enjoyable play experience! 
As always, we want to thank each and every one of you for playing and testing the Fallen Sword mobile application! We hope you continue to do so going into v0.7.7! Please continue to give us your thought and feedback on this new version and from everyone at Hunted Cow, Happy Hunting!
0.7.7 Patch Notes
New preference options added
Filters added to Composing and Arena 
Rewards can now be collected from news posts
Quests can now be filtered by level
Large text option now effects more areas
Visual improvements on a number of panels
Performance enhancements in a number of areas
Bug Fixes
Fixed chat message overload issue
Fixed guild advisor locked state issue
Fixed issue with incorrect realm map tiles
Fixed titan cool down issue that occurs on a combat draw
Join The Beta
If you have yet to try the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta then you can join using the links below.
Android: Here
IOS: Here
~The Fallen Sword Team

#999408 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.6)

Posted by JustConix on 10 December 2019 - 19:01

Good afternoon combatants!
We hope you are all ready for battle! The Arena is reopening its gates and looking for new champions! 
Yes, that's right, In the newest version of the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta we have re-added the PvP Arena! You can now compete in the arena and fight other players for the honour of arena champion, all from the comfort of your phone!
This update will also see the addition of player preferences. This menu will allow you to customise the behaviour for a number of different areas within the app. We hope you use these settings to enhance and improve your experiences with the app.
We have also made some performance changes in a number of areas that should make the Fallen Sword App a smoother experience for everyone. 
On top of this, we have also spent a good amount of time going over the app and fixing any and all bugs that were uncovered. An example would be the composing time to compose value being incorrect. Turns out I was converting the gold into hours and minutes and then displaying that as time to compose. Oops... Thanks to everyone that pointed this out, has now been fixed and should display correctly.
Finally, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has been playing and testing the Fallen Sword mobile application! We hope you all continue to enjoy the game with v0.7.6! Keep the feedback coming and as always, Happy Hunting!
0.7.6 Patch Notes
PvP Arena
Reset Single Skill
Inventory Performance Enhancements
Quest Performance Enhancements
Bug Fixes
Teleport Cool down Incorrect time.
Updating templates no longer deletes them
Fixed time to create display issue with composing potions
Join The Beta
If you have yet to try the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta then you can join using the links below.
Android: Here
IOS: Here
~The Fallen Sword Team

#999310 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.5)

Posted by JustConix on 20 November 2019 - 12:12

I like spelling mistakes, they are easy to fix :P

#999296 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.5)

Posted by JustConix on 18 November 2019 - 18:05

Good afternoon everyone!


I hope you are all well and having a good Monday. If not then we have something that might brighten your day. The Fallen Sword Mobile Application has just been updated to v0.7.5!


This update sees the addition of the highly anticipated Composing system! We know a lot of you have been wondering when this will be available, and have been asking since the app went portrait at the start of the year. We really hope the addition of composing has been worth the wait and we look forwards to hearing your thoughts and feedback on this redesigned panel! 


We have also made a number of enhancements and improvements based on user feedback. For example, we are now sorting the action tray with rarest creatures first. We have also increased the zoom out level upon request so now more of the map can be seen at once. These are just two of user requests we have added this update and we hope you continue to give us feedback to make the game you all want! 


Thank you to everyone who has played and tested the Fallen Sword Mobile Application to date. We hope you all enjoy this new update and as always, Happy Hunting.



0.7.5 Patch Notes
Actions sorted by rarity
Map zoom level increased
Quest Journal visual improvements
Progress bars added to bounty attacks
Loading spinners added to a number of areas
Performance improvements for panel loading
Updated teleport animation
Bug Fixes
Black Screen on some realms
Treasure logs no longer duplicated
Fixed sorting issue on Inventing Panel
Fixed combat set remaining issue
Fixed display issue for quests with long names
Fixed issue displaying daily quests when no quests are being tracked.
Join The Beta
If you have yet to try the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta then you can join using the links below.
Android: Here
IOS: Here
~The Fallen Sword Team

#998954 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.4)

Posted by JustConix on 08 October 2019 - 16:38

HI all,


We have just submitted a new version of the Fallen Sword Mobile App to Both Apple and Android for review. This is just a small update that fixes a number of issues from last week's big update. This update should be available to you upon approval from the app stores.


We hope you all continue to enjoy Fallen Sword on the go, keep the feedback coming, and from everyone at Hunted Cow, Happy Hunting!


~The Fallen Sword Team Patch Notes



Toggle added to Buff Packages

Titan Hunting performance enhancements

Combat sets now ordered alphabetically by default

Borders added to action tray to help distinguish between creature types


Bug Fixes

Tooltip display issue fixed

Allies list now displaying correctly

Quest Journal no longer empty on load

Buff Market search now working correctly

Teleport and Destination missing icon issue fixed

Realm buttons (Quest, Relic, Ect.) now working as intended

#998932 Fallen Sword: Mobile Application (0.7.4)

Posted by JustConix on 04 October 2019 - 09:03

Good morning everyone,
I hope everyone is having a good week and are now all looking forward to the weekend!
Just wanted to say a massive thanks to everyone who has been playing the Fallen Sword Mobile App and providing feedback. We have taken everything in and have made a number of changes and improvements that we think you will like! 
The main piece of feedback we have received recently is to do with combat feedback, or the lack of I should say... Well, I am happy to let you know that we have been working hard on this since the last update and we think we have a system in place that you are all really going to enjoy!
We have also added a summon imp shield and backpack indicator to the games HUD as requested, so these values can now be seen whenever they are needed.
In the last update we released Guild Tagged Items. We also did a really good job hiding this menu from everyone, oops... There is now a big button in the guild storage menu that will take you straight to it. 
All these things plus many more will be available in the next version of the Fallen Sword Mobile Application which I am happy to announce is available RIGHT NOW! 
Thanks again to everyone who has provided feedback so far. We want to make the Fallen Sword app the best it can possibly be and your feedback really helps us do that!
We hope you all enjoy the latest version of Fallen Sword. 
From everyone at Hunted Cow,
Happy Hunting
0.7.4 Patch Notes
Top Rated
Combat Logs
Secure Trade
Combat Viewer
Change Avatar
Loyalty Rewards
Backpack Indicator added to HUD
Summon Imp Shield count added to HUD
Action Tray
Player Inventory
Combat Feedback
Filters added to Active Buffs
Tagged Items button added to Guild Storage
Bug Fixes
Quest Progress Dialog no longer shows blank pages
Seasonal toggle on quest journal now working
Stamina and Durability bars now update
Join The Beta
If you have yet to try the Fallen Sword Mobile Beta then you can join using the links below.
Android: Here
IOS: Here
~The Fallen Sword Team

#998747 a full hunt using the new app

Posted by JustConix on 30 August 2019 - 10:42

I'm glad you all had fun on your mobile hunts! 

Huge thanks for all your feedback on them!

Going to work on your suggestions and make your next mobile hunt even better! 


Please keep your suggestions and feedback coming!

We want to make mobile hunting a fun and smooth experience.


~ Conix :)

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