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Member Since 07 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2024 11:17

#903446 Making Level Up Points for Attributes Flexible

Posted by Filletminion on 22 November 2014 - 01:45

Like the Idea and the flexibility it would give me. Having used the "upgrade" once or twice over the journey.

#902397 Development Update 19th November 2014

Posted by Filletminion on 19 November 2014 - 23:05

I have 1 question why is it people get nervous 7 spaces from Mayfair with a motel on it ? and they are nearly broke? When you understand this you will understand why real risk is essential to all great games.

#902015 Scavenging NEEDS to be updated..

Posted by Filletminion on 19 November 2014 - 00:20

The thing that stands out to me is ..That if 25 players spend 50 mill each or 250 players spend 15 mill each more gold would be sunk..the system as it now stands is preventing players of lesser means Gambling on cave returns..

#882814 Open letter to the Cows

Posted by Filletminion on 30 July 2014 - 00:09

Have been speaking with old guildies a lot in past few days and why they moved on from FS, Simply they found better games or started Families.


The way the game plays has substantially been changed over the years for all players and only rarely for the good of the game.


People have genuine dislike for support here and the lack of it they receive.

#882261 Mercenaries - In DIRE need of additions

Posted by Filletminion on 25 July 2014 - 12:37

So what you are saying is you want to be able to kill say Skull Carver which because it spawns in a low realm you would like access to Mercs that would allow you to kill it ? Am I reading you correctly ?



The Second Part is what effect would doing this have on the game and its economy if everyone could load up a couple of super mercs and splat almost anything because they have access to a level 2200 merc etc etc ...

#879550 Fallen Sword Helper down 7/11/14?

Posted by Filletminion on 18 July 2014 - 10:05

Serious questions for those who are tweaking their browser addon settings to retain helper functionality.



- What will you do, if your computer gets compromised due to a security breach which the later version of the Greasemonkey addon fixes?

- what if this results in the loss of important documents?

- Who will you blame?

- What if it costs you a couple hundred dollars or more to just get the computer running again?

- who covers those costs?


There's so much blind trust that what you do to keep a third party script running, will be safe. You are putting yourself and any others who may use your computer at risk by doing so.


As Yuuzhan has been running Helper, I would strongly suggest people encourage him to update the code to be compliant with Greasemonkey 2.0.


Either that or encourage the cows to implement the features of helper so it's no longer required and thus a risk for those using it.

wonder when people are going to start blaming HCS.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


No issues with my helper.





So as you Say your Version is working perfectly, so that would imply that yours does not need Yuuzhan to Upgrade it So why dont you share yours with everyone?

#878862 GvG Ladder

Posted by Filletminion on 14 July 2014 - 02:21

But rewards are fun LOL 

Nah its boring Fun is beating someone who pwns you normally fun is aiming to be the best gvger Fun is going a few years without a gvg loss on your watch...rewards killed gvg in this game and opened the door to multies to make profit.

#878850 New gear for high levels?

Posted by Filletminion on 14 July 2014 - 01:52

New sets that fit around se sets that cause people to search and redesign setups all has grown a bit stale and predictable with sets having best stats 600 levels above their use point.


But question I would ask is do these sets still allow you to safely 1 hit and as I know that is a yes the question that really needs to be asked is why? do we really want to put on 60 k attack and 100 k damage setups I mean at what point does it stop?


Grim tried to make hunting more challenging through the 1100's and people stopped running to EOC because we waited for a double xp event to jump over that content...


Its a vexed question do we want new gear just because it is new and different or do we want it because the challenges facing us require it. A day a week after its introduced 90% will have copied learnt the new setup so there is no advantage to be gained that way...

#877958 GvG Ladder

Posted by Filletminion on 09 July 2014 - 07:53

Not going to be popular but gvg was far healthier without rewards and the systematic abuse of it that followed  their introduction.


All for a 3 to 4 time a year reset would reflect who is active and the best at that time.

#872513 Double XP Event Imminent!

Posted by Filletminion on 10 June 2014 - 05:37

I did a Short hunt a week ago planning forwards to the knowledge double events always take place on weekends...except one to my memory...People complain about what others say and do all the time, But they made their choices and now they cannot accept responsibility for what they DID.

#866056 Players join a guild and join an Active Conflict!

Posted by Filletminion on 30 April 2014 - 12:10

You Cannot leave a Guild that has active Conflicts ..So why can you Join A guild that has active conflicts ?

#862873 revert pvp to 2008

Posted by Filletminion on 15 April 2014 - 02:00

cant blame an artist for working on other projects

You have missed the Point in 2008 the game was alive and vibrant,the more the game has gone away from pvp the less people have played it ..why is that ? The Game is drab grey shadow now of a masterpiece in full colour.


Pvp and its variant GvG are really what made this game great before it became about profit there was real excitement and challenge back then it was not about the fattest wallet.

#862645 PvP - Days of Glory

Posted by Filletminion on 14 April 2014 - 04:54

I'll add to that thought & omit that I am one of the very few who enjoys hitting into these prepared targets in both GvG & PvP -and do so regularly outside of the opt in venues provided by HCS for this purpose -of whom most participants are some of the least prepared for a real fight I have seen in game.


Loads of fun to be had hitting into online and buffed players never needed rewards to do it was pride in keeping my guilds record intact.

But no individual can do it all alone it takes teamwork and being prepared for your phone to ring 15 mins after you fall asleep cause someone started a gvg v your guild, Its exactly the same for pvp and is why most of the older pvp guilds players buff and support each other so completely .


When I was very active I had 15 offline pvp setups saved and then further variations on those setups ,I would hardly be considered to have been a very active pvper ,

Then you need to know the buffs that work and hurt those same setups and change to suit on the fly it made the game alive.


those skills are being lost once they are gone the game will never recover, happily I have to say after almost a year away from here I am amazed at the passion players like Chazz still have to post his guide if only people will listen.

#752272 Arena tokens

Posted by Filletminion on 26 August 2012 - 05:08

Yes i do actually . Remove the silly moves system and replace them with buffs.The arena dominance by the few would vanish over night .

buffs wouldn't make it special aspect anymore ;)

Arena Moves much better than buffs need lots of luck... buff would only increase luck
Why you complain about moves over and over ? they are simple to understand...

not to mention how negative it will be for new players who cant buy buffs all day to join .. this will make it very slow just like pvp only afew players playing it compared to all players

And the arena should not be something special for the few to profit from and drive others out of.
Actually no because new players would not need buffs for level 20 arenas that are not available at level 20 just the same as level 1000 arenas would not be able to use level 1200 buffs or 1200 arenas would not be able to use 1400 buffs etc etc.

If Arena Moves are so easy to understand then why don't you post a thread with everything you know about them for every player to see. because many of them say one thing and do another v certain moves and you know that.

#752216 Arena tokens

Posted by Filletminion on 26 August 2012 - 00:25

But, given it's called PvP ARENA tho, awarding prizes for "also-rans" seems odd. Did gladiators get rewarded when they lost ? LOL.

Do you have any idea to make arena faster ? its not real life tho :)

Yes i do actually . Remove the silly moves system and replace them with buffs.The arena dominance by the few would vanish over night .

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