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#816444 lvl-up +3 / +6 / +12

Posted by Majjer on 16 October 2013 - 01:43

when leveling up, left-click on [+] works as is, right-click shows menu for speeding up reallocating pts (as title says add +3 / +6 / +12)

#816443 Game balance. Accuracy\Haste\Mana

Posted by Majjer on 16 October 2013 - 01:37

imbalanced stat pts assignment because of:


* psychological effect - assigning to melee / sorc / ranged (visibly) increases 3 stats while assigning to focus just 2 and assigning to hp or mana visibly changes only 1 stat (not everyone does math and assigns pts by their feelings). health/energy/focus should be promoted more (for example adding a button when leveling up to show what would be players stats when lvl 50 while keeping current lvl-up ratio).


* effect of pts distributed manually is very low / bonus from equipment is too high


as you can see on the pic, i have lvl 30 forged set + lvl 40 weapons (nothig extra special for lvl40 player)

points to distribute 234 in total, but 227 already in health. assigning one point into hp every levelup would not do much difference in final, assigning more would be "missing" in dmg. same case with energy.

for questing or common pve you dont need much hp/mana anyway (you can use pots or do breaks and rest when needed). for pvp 1:1 having 50% of mana would be enough.


* dmg (melee/ranged/spell) has many percentual modifiers (talents, skills, pots) - more base dmg you have, higher effect of the modifier is. while health/energy/focus has only static modifiers (pots/meals) with same effect for everyone regardless of whether he/she leveled the stat or not.

#816032 Armor type vs Movement Speed

Posted by Majjer on 12 October 2013 - 15:43

Has there been any real discussion about the overall speed of movement for a player wearing light, medium or heavy armor? In RL, a player wearing plate or chain mail would never move as fast a someone wearing a cloth hoodie.


same logic should be put to dodge chance - lighter armor should have higher dodge chance (or heavier armor = higher dodge penalty)


and one more case missing - when player has no armor

so i would take no armor = 100% (movement speed, current dodge)

light armor piece equipped = -0.25% (both speed & dodge)

medium piece = -0.5%

heavy piece = -0.75%

#815057 quests started on player behavior

Posted by Majjer on 05 October 2013 - 17:12

sme quests could appear not on storyline or notice board but on the player actions.


some examples:

player kills 50 chicken in row for fun then new quests appears for him at nearby farmer npc (no exclamation mark over the npc till the condition would be fulfilled), asking for compensation

or player stays mining one exact ore node only, after 30 attempts dwarf appears and start attacking

or player sits on a bench in the city, after 10 mintes comes npc, sits by his side and asks for help...


#815055 remove the "blue dot"

Posted by Majjer on 05 October 2013 - 16:50

remove "the blue dot" quest navigator and increase quest xp up to 3 times (based on quest difficulty and complexity) as a compensation please.


quests are too easy in current setup. one doesn't have to read the conversations with npc's, just quickly click next, next, next, accept and then follow the blue dot on map. no investigation, no searching, no browsing questbook for hints or answers, no begging hor help, no hopelessly stalking over the lands or no aimless exploration... just too easy and becomes boring soon. many quests are "local" (type kill # of nearby mobs or collect # of nearby items and deliver back to the npc) where navigator has no reason at all and the rest of quests deserves more attention from players.


let community to build it's own (wiki-like) navigator and celebrate its contributors.

#812491 Some useless Skills review. Perhaps its not that hard to tune them a bit.

Posted by Majjer on 21 September 2013 - 07:24

8. Jolt. Jolt seems to be the only way to cause just some damage for Templar. Still its cooldown makes it a rarely used aggro skill. Warrior has a good damage output with Jolt thus the skills cooldow shouldnt be lowerd to prevent some high damage abuse - still templars talent could be tuned to decrease jolts cooldown by some 25 secs, thus with some 30%-45 (max) haste it could be used once per 2-3 seconds. Some 30% jolt damage increase would balance templars PVE a bit and make more interactive.


11. Blood Siphon (assasin) well... lets presume one has 1000 dps having all in meele + gems,  5 stacks of lacerate (i do not count that +15% on lacerate damage throwing weapon eqquipped skill) or even if i do 250*1,15= 287,5 

so you get 10% ofthat every 4 ticks (25% chance)

28,7 per 4 seconds

7,17 HP per second


Well... i wouldnt spend 4 talent points on that )


12. Feel no Pain +30% damage when health below 25%... any volunteers? :D


13. Endurance +20% mana regen - same as previous regen talents +1.5 mana per second in combat for assasin mana pool.


14. Anatomy - rupture and lacerate slow target for 10%. No point - its melee range. No one would hit a mob with 10% slow to run away from it. There are Frosen spires and at least a frostbite for some extravagant situations.



all those hp/mana regeneration talents seems to be funnly low for assasin while in combat.

i would focus more on spending some points in templars talent tree on bloodbath talents (1st & 2nd lvl) where you can have 15% of bloodbath dmg done going to hp regen. nowadays when bloodbath cooldown was reduced to 4 seconds i see there huge self-healing potential.


re: 12 - feel no pain - i had it maxed before while pure assasin build in medium armour and high focus

that times my hp were falling close to 0 pretty often and having +30% dmg was helping a lot.


and jolt could have cooldown decreased for sure

#812220 Bugged belt?

Posted by Majjer on 20 September 2013 - 02:47

now when belt is not a container, could it be unblocked for moving to backpacks please?

#811781 Lottery. Bet your general loot

Posted by Majjer on 16 September 2013 - 18:45

i'm all for fortune junk trade :D



#811583 repeating emotes

Posted by Majjer on 15 September 2013 - 05:39

could you enhance emote commands with repeating #?

like "/jazz 20" - do loop 20 times in a row playing jazz without interruption (putting trumpet into backpack and taking it out again)


#808947 sort confirmation

Posted by Majjer on 29 August 2013 - 12:48

pls, could be implemented "confirm" menu for sorting inventory/backpack? thanks in advance :)

#808874 Manners Maketh Man

Posted by Majjer on 29 August 2013 - 00:26

Nah.... perhaps some unsocial Dungeonsolowing players will be jugged as well  :D

be sure they would be - for not being social enough to share the loot :P

#808868 Manners Maketh Man

Posted by Majjer on 28 August 2013 - 23:28

Still boils down to common courtesy, they should state their intentions and not ignore messages asking why they are doing it!

 that's true. but be prepared for situation when game goes live and there will be 10 times more players - it means there will be 10 times more rude players. sad.png if someone doesnt use "please" in real life, i know its sad, but dont expect him to act different here.


what can you do when someone is rude (either way)? theres no chance to teach (pvp) him on site. :wacko: put him on personal ignore list? worthless. the only solution is to create community and try to push such individuals out.






public in-game court - let community take care

judge dredd style? B) - players (not hcs staff) with limited powers above common



#805368 daily quests/tasks

Posted by Majjer on 09 August 2013 - 12:16


every day there would be one or more NPC's randomly choosen by the system asking for help of some kind like "do this" / "kill that" / "bring me # of *" ...

once such quest would be accepted by player, he will have 24hrs to complete otherwise the task disappears.

small xp/gp and chart of players with the most quests completed would be the only reward.




#795524 area glitch

Posted by Majjer on 13 June 2013 - 09:35

landed in pillar at mausoleum entrance :)





img deleted due to quota limit

#795350 show loop counter

Posted by Majjer on 12 June 2013 - 13:26

would be fine to see, where in the loop we are while processing larger amount of materials

(for example - pointing at forge while forging would show something like 15/99)

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