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Member Since 14 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2021 23:22

#972390 TA player kill status

Posted by sdcrichy on 23 November 2016 - 14:20

while i'm looking at this i'll have my say.


TA is not balanced even though the devs tried to balance it by giving under lvl a buff up. the buff up doesn't take into account the higher lvls can use higher lvl skills with more damage and it doesn't take into account gem boost.   maybe make a arena fight that takes gems away if both fighters have same lvl for a lvl fight and see who is best.

#964252 Development Update

Posted by TreeFrog on 10 June 2016 - 16:07

I'm in no way shocked by this announcement, yet my heart did sink a bit when i read it. For those that complain that it should have been announced earlier, you have to take into account that this was truly HCS's baby. This project has been in development for at least 8 years that im aware of. Its not easy to admit failure in light of the countless hours devoted to it. Though i have been absent from the game for about a year now I always check the forums and its been a slow decline for a long time, with less frequent updates, and little content in those updates.


I'm sorry for those that were just getting into the game. I remember well when I first started and at that beginning you see the potential of the game, but as you go on you start to notice the monotony of the quest structure, the various fluff added to distract from a lack of substance, the complete lack of a trading economy, no ingame push to build a community (after all even if a game is crap, people will log on if there friends are there), and various other little things that have already been mentioned. You take all this into account and you look at what HCS is doing to ameliorate the situation. You'll see almost nothing is being done, the biggest complaints more often than not go completely unacknowledged, as if the problem will go away if they ignore it long enough. Well, closing their eyes and ears and going 'lalalalala' has got them to this point, and i noticed it a year ago and its why I stopped. I'm sad at the lost potential, but this is beyond overdue.


Learn from your mistakes and try again.


Edit: TL;DR - I called it.

#963843 Development Update

Posted by Debrutsid on 02 June 2016 - 04:11

but i will try to keep it pg-13.  I have played hunted cow games for 12 frieking years.  this is not news to me. but this saddens me to the point where i want to get my tattoo removed...... YOU REMEMBER THAT????? 
AS far as i know I AM THE ONLY ONE TO GET A TATTOO that represents your company.  Andrew Mullholland and Glen (i forget your name_)  i am most disappointed in you.  NOT THE PLAYERS.  this is an awesome game.  and instead of making updates you made fluff.  Now, i still enjoy the fluff, but there should never be a true end game to an mmorpg that wants to survive, and you STILL haven't brought out level 50.......  
Is there some mystical numerology stuff that makes you guys afraid of 5?  Gothador never got a 5th tier update (we did, but it was like they put two janitors in a room to come up with a 5 star meal.  with what was available in the janitor closet.....
I still love this company, and i will not get the tat removed unless you guys do something reaaaaaaly stupid.  like elect trump in scotland.....   but for god's sake.... this was supposed to be your flagship.  
I know FS is your moneymaker.  tho to be honest i would rather play CoD  and i hate call of doody.
you lost p[layers just like you did with gothador.  you promised one thing.  then did something completely different, or just kept saying.  oh it is coming.......
i mean *^_)^!!!!!!1 I actually paid for like 3 months of supporter and BARELY logged in.  that is how much i love this game and company.  So please, ANDREW...... get back to your roots. pay attention to this game.....

#957848 A Simple Auction House Idea

Posted by Blissy on 26 January 2016 - 21:17

I like the idea and hope HC reads these sort of suggestion. +1 :)


I think they would need to add some sort of gold sink thingie (yup I'm so technical here , not~), because it seems like a full AH when implemented would most likely have some kind of fee for using it (hopefully nothing crazy, maybe like 5% of the sold price or something) and even for something like this my guess is you just can't have it 100% free.


also please HC do not consider any EP type of fee for any features of Auction House. should only be in game coin currencies.

#951671 doc and wall find so many gliches!!!!!!!!...

Posted by aliadnan12 on 22 October 2015 - 18:46

anakiro now that u r here , can u reply to other bug reports so ppl who actually go through the trouble of finding and reporting bugs can do so in the future as well ? thanks

#951065 Translator

Posted by KeS on 13 October 2015 - 20:01

Btw, I had a hard time trying to help a level 5 player whom was lost in Crannoch Harbor. He spoke Portuguese and didn't understand English at all. So I had to re-type exactly what he said then paste it in a translator, then he asked if I was from Brazil lol

I had the same exact experience; I wind up using google translate to see what he was saying. A copy/paste feature as Shovel said would be a great idea and simpler since implementing a translate feature would take a while.


As others should learn English, those who speak English should learn another language.

#950843 HCS wins at BIDS Business Awards.

Posted by IzzyDead on 09 October 2015 - 18:27

OMG!!!! They got an award for giving ill treatment!









#950822 HCS wins at BIDS Business Awards.

Posted by BigGrim on 09 October 2015 - 13:50

Hi there everyone!


We'd like to give a big thanks to everyone who voted for Hunted Cow Studios in City of Elgin BID Ltd Business Awards. We came first place in our category, receiving a trophy and certificate for the Company, as well as receiving certificates of recognition for Customer Service for Hoofmaster and BigGrim!




The Fallen Sword Team

#950841 HCS wins at BIDS Business Awards.

Posted by Prop on 09 October 2015 - 18:07

If you send in a ticket with a screenshot of how far you got with the award will they send you a nice fresh one with the typo corrected?



#900021 Realm Map Images Pack

Posted by Rez on 12 November 2014 - 08:07

In case any of you forgot, this is the original world map from the prologue trailer:




Right now we only have 1/6th of the world map available completely in-game, the Eldevin City area, which governs the Nature Orb.


To the left of the Nature area is the Bemalic Ocean, which houses the Isle of Nasaroth right off the shore of Eldevin Kingdom's western coast.


To the right of the Nature area is the Odious Sea, which houses the Everdusk Isles, so far including Illaneska, Greenreef Isle, and the Forbidding Isle, but may include more.



To the southwest of the Nature area is the island-continent Khazin-Daer, home of the Fire Orb, also resting in the Bemalic Ocean.


To the south of the Nature area and directly east of the Fire area is Vambrok, home of the Blood Orb.


To the east of the Blood area, southeast of the Nature area, and south of the Odious Sea is Vahkir, home of the Dark Orb.


To the north of the Nature area is Xaralith, home of the Light Orb.


To the east of the Light area, northeast of the Nature area, and north of the Odious Sea is Calderheim, home of the Ice Orb.





As far as what I've been given, I can guess these themes for each area:


Khazin-Daer. A jungle island-continent with citizens between savagery and civilization, who look upon the great volcano with envy. The Fire Orb rests near or in the volcano with its keeper.


Calderheim. A land of snow, ice, and frostbite. Very few creatures live here at all and those who do are some of the most vicious you'll ever find. The Ice Orb rests upon the tallest mountain with its keeper. May be incorrect, as the Huntreal Plateau is so icy that the World Map may be in the Southern Hemisphere instead of the Northern. This would explain Xaralith's desert-like nature despite the cold. Additionally, the Ice Champion set suggests that Calderheim has ninjas and/or cat people, meaning it's inhabited.


Xaralith. Desert as far as the eye can see, teeming with treasures not worth the risk of death by heat. In a great pyramid, the Light Orb rests here with its keeper. Partially disproven, as the Light Orb wielder rules the Order of Light from their HQ, most likely a temple or cathedral.


Vambrok. Land of curses and races made by them. The Vampire Lord lives here with his legion, no longer known as the keeper of the Blood Orb - simply now its master. Not exclusively disproven, but we now know that Vambrok has chimeras and other alchemic/pseudoscientific features.


Vahkir. A land of darkness and death, barren of life not mutated beyond repair. Tristan rules his hordes of evil from some place unknown within these shadowlands.




Of, course, this second part is theoretical, but makes sense when compared to most other fantasies out there that have similar themes.


I do not know if we'll ever see the other 5 areas in-game, but atleast this way you know that they exist.

#859001 Questbook Help

Posted by Spirit on 31 March 2014 - 21:27

Update: As of August 25th 2020, I have updated all the images in this thread and now should be working again!



I've met a few players and friends who did not really understand how the Questbook works, or the storylines as well.


So this is an explanation of how the Questbook works, and to make some things clear about the questbook and the storylines.


Apologies for anything that is incorrect, please let me know and I'll fix it.


I have also made a Steam guide if you'd rather use that instead. :)






Before we begin the guide, here are some questions to assist you if you're looking for a specific answer! Please let me know if there's any questions to be added! 


What should I do if I chose the Choose Later option in the Quest Interface?


If you select "Choose Later" option, then the reward interface should re-appear when you log back into Eldevin.


Table of Contents:


1.) Quest Indicators

2.) Why Should You Quest?

3.) Storylines and Rewards

4.) Quest Journal

5.) Greyed Out Quests

6.) Quests and Questbooks

7.) Quest Chains

8.) Quest Library

9.) Naming System

10.) Daily/Weekly/Special Quests


Quest Indicators:


First things first, the colours of quest indicators are useful to know.




You can view this anytime in your tutorials, by clicking on this icon yNWck7v.png to open your tutorial screen.


Why Should You Quest?:


Questing offers rewards at the end such as exp to increase your character level, gear and weapons depending on the main questbook, jewelry, as well as gems and fusion powder.




While there are many kinds of quests, some of which are simple like to kill 10 creatures or to obtain 10 items, there are other quests that allows you to interact, problem solve and in a few - your choice can change the outcome of the quest.


Storylines and Rewards:


Before we get into the Quest Journal and the Quest Library, this tidbit is helpful to know while questing.


Following back on Eldevin's lore, your character is a member of the Lost Legion. When you completed the tutorial -- The Last Stand, you came to Eldevin with no memory of who you are after escaping the Void.


As a result of re-discovering who you once were, you can join both the Eldevin Army and the Arcane Sanctum. to see which class that you feel that you belong in - the Templar, the Warrior, the Assassian, the Ranger, the Mage, and the Prophet.


However it is not set in stone, you can choose where to put your attribute points and where to put your talent points - allowing you to create hybrid versions or pure versions.


You can also reset your attribute points and/or talent points if you wish by talking to a Combat Trainer and right clicking on them to select the "reset" option.


Note: You can also use the Talent Planner tool which allows you to plan out how many points you can put into each talent. Huge thanks to WowRefugee for creating the planner.  :D




There can be multiple storylines in a main questbook.


Some storylines such as "Curing the Plagued" and "Culling the Plagued" might seem very simliar but keep in mind that Curing the Plagued is the Arcane Sanctum version and Culling the Plagued is the Eldevin Army version of the storyline as indicated by the two main questbooks. More will be explained in the Quest Library section!




Don't forget that the rewards differ as well, as the Arcane Sanctum quests can give you mage-based gear and weapons while the Eldevin Army quests can give you melee/range weapons and gear of your choosing.


Note that if you select "Choose Later" option, then the reward interface should re-appear when you log back into Eldevin.


Quest Journal:


When you open the Questbook, the first thing you will see is your Quest Journal.




Your Quest Journal consists of a list of quests that you can do.


In descending order, quests are categorized by your level. Some quests require you to be a certain level before you can do them, but they are not shown in your journal unless quests are one level higher then your character's level.


You can also hide lower level quests or simply categorize them if you wish.




Just click on the box to hide quests below your account level. You can also click on the All dropbox to reveal more choices in which to categorize your quests.

If you run out of quests to do, there are still alternate ways to level up.
Doing story mode/group dungeons is most recommended. Other choices could be to grind on mobs around your level or train your professions.

Greyed Out Quests:

As you continue your progress in Eldevin, sometimes you will notice a quest that is greyed out, which can be seen either above the billboard, a NPC, or in your Quest Journal.
However there are a few different meanings...
Billboards with a grey ! or NPC's with a grey ! indicates that there is a quest you cannot learn yet, as there is a level requirement you have not fulfilled.






As you can see... my character's level is 23. I need to be level 24 before I can do these quests.




For the Quest Journal, sometimes you will see that there is a quest that is greyed out, even if you have the level to do it.




It means that you need to find the quest-giver that will give you that quest and they will have a yellow ! above their head. They may or may not be marked on the map.


Sometimes a quest is actually a questbook which will be explained in the next section!


If you're ever stuck on finding quest locations or what to do, there I'd recommend doing a google search "Eldevin Wiki 'Name of Quest'", or just click the link below.


Eldevin Wiki - Quests by level.


Note that you can also read the Quest Journal log - which should also help you to figure out what to do next. (If not sure how to view it, check out the Quest Library section).


Quests and Questbooks:


There are certain quests that will require you to finish the questbook before you can progess in the quest.


For example, a level 10 quest, "Service to the Council" will remain in your quest journal until you have completed the "Service to the Council" questbook as indicated in the description. 





The simliar names can be confusing. However to clarify once more.... as stated in the description, it will ask you to complete the questbook for that quest.


To view the questbook, click on the icon (shown by a red rectangle) while you are viewing the quest in your journal.




It will show you a list of quests that you need to complete in order to finish the questbook.




Note: This does not work for all quests.Some questbooks may be found elsewhere in the Quest Library... usually in a different main questbook. 


A Crimson Threat questbook is one example of where the actual questbook is located elsewhere.


To find the "A Crimson Threat" questbook, go to Quest Library, and choose "Valiant of the Kingdom" main questbook. Then click on the "A Crimson Threat" questbook to view a list of quests you can do.


While although "Service to the Council" may be a level 10 quest, sometimes the questbook requires you to be a certain level before you can even complete the questbook - known as a quest chain!


Quest Chains:


Some quests can be started at a certain level, but not completed until you have done the questbook or other quests that it may indicate in the description.


Even though a quest might be started at level 10, you might not fully complete the quest until you are level 25 due to the series of quests and their level requirements.


If you see a lower level quest that has not yet been completed, I'd check to see what is missing, sometimes it's a greyed out quest, sometimes you don't have the level requirement, sometimes you don't have the items needed etc.


Even though you may have completed all quests, some quest chains can still be continued in future updates.


Always come back to it later if you are unable to continue.  :)


Quest Library:




To access your Quest Library, there are two buttons beneath your questbook interface, click on the book.




The Quest Library helps you to keep track of which questbooks (indicated by the book icon) you have completed or not have completed.


It may seem daunting at first, but remember that you can hide all completed questbooks, and you can also search for quests as well.


This is why that the Quest Journal is recommended to be using, as it's easier to see which quests at lower levels you have not done.







1.)  Quest Library

2.)  Questbooks

3.)  Quests


It helps to refer to this legend. It will make more sense later on as I explain the naming system.


In your Quest Journal, select any quest.... and follow the steps below to learn how to navigate from the Quest Journal to the Quest Library! This is a much easier way to navigate rather than using the Quest Library.


If you click on the Quests icon...




It will take you to a list of quests in that questbook. It basically shows you your progress.




If you click on the Questbooks icon... this will occur.




This displays a list of questbooks that you can do which is apart of the Arcane Council Path - the main questbook.


If you click on the Quest Library icon... it will take you to a list of all the main questbooks.





The Naming System:


The icons, Quest Library, Questbooks, and Quests can be written out like this... just like in the picture I have shown you in the legend.


Quest Library > Questbooks > Quests


1.)  Quest Library

2.)  Questbooks

3.)  Quests


You can replace those words with this instead.


Arcane Council Path > Service to the Council > "Unsanctioned Magic"


1.)  Arcane Council Path is the main category.

2.)  Service to the Council is one of the sub categories.

3.)  Unsanctioned Magic is one of the quests listed in the "Service to the Council" questbook.


Other Examples:


Eldevin Army Path > Culling The Plagued > "The Vault"

Arcane Council Path > Curing The Plagued > "The Vault"



Eldevin Army Path and the Arcane Council Path will have simliar questbooks and quests as you are trying to rediscover who you are. It is so you won't be missing out if you just chose the Eldevin Army path.


Tales of Eldevin > First World Problems > "Underground Menance"


Valiant Of The Kingdom > A Crimson Threat > "Public Enemy"


Daily/Weekly/Special Quests:


There are some quests that can be repeated daily or weekly. There are also quests that are given during holiday or special events only. i.e Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Summer event.


Reputation Dailies: 
Currently, all reputation dailies are level 25 and is indicated by [Daily] next to it's name. You will get a token as a reward which can be turned in to the NPC next to the quest-giver. It will raise your reputation.
Wilderness: (Trapper's Atoll)
Elite Kill can be unlocked when entering Trapper's Atoll - but can only be complete once Plasma Lord spawns - and that you dealt damage. (If you died and dealt damage beforehand, the quest will be complete as long as you remain in TA).
Profession Dailies:

You will gain access to Profession dailies once you have completed these Profession quests (which are given from the Bulletin Board or may be found in your Quest Journal already).


The Profession Daily quests can be learned by talking to any tutor of a certain profession, which is usually found where you can train your professions. You can unlock more quests if you continue to raise your profession every 5 levels.




Benevolent Dungeoneer Daily:


This is a quest that you unlock once you are in a group dungeon - however the dungeon has to be lower then your current level, and you must be in a group larger than two people.


Hence the quest log reward description "You went out of your way to help less experienced dungeoneers!".




Bochdaen Tombs/Rumble's Grotto Weekly:


The following quests can be completed weekly. Note that it cannot be done in story-mode.


Rumble's Grotto:


Shatter Their Pride

Crystal Survey

Crystal Warriors

Yielding Crystal


Bochdaen Tombs:


Bound Souls

Cloven Warriors

Death Silk

Sign of Evil


World Boss Weekly Quests:


Monkeying About

The Ancient Spellweaver

To Slay A Dragon

An Open Crypt

Thoravia Rampage


Special Quests:






#948093 New forum category

Posted by Irradiated on 09 September 2015 - 19:27

I've suggested this before, going to mention it again as I still like the idea :)


With people once again posting and discussing builds, I'd like to see a 'build discussion' category.  As it currently stands, these discussions get lost in the general or help category, and have to be dug out or redone when someone inevitably asks again.


It would also be interesting to track how builds have evolved over time.


I've considered sub-categories for each class (plus one for hybrid), but I think that would be overkill.

#946686 Bad, missleading and wrong tooltips, talents, buffs etc.

Posted by NerdyNeko on 25 August 2015 - 17:42

There is quite lot tooltips that are simply wrong or confusing. I think all of what i know has been reported but nothing been done so i made little list of few of them to remind HCS...




Heroic Throw – Is supposed to silence 2/4 yards around target of jolt but silences 2/4 yards around caster


Spiked Armor – Reflects 10%-40% Incoming damage back at attackers, and incoming means not hit yet so it should reflect damage that havent taken armor into calculation.


I Feel Your Pain/Empathy – Only transfers damage taken by target not aggro, but makes target generate less aggro?


Glaciate – Ally that is targetted by this spell continue taking damage, be it direct hits or Dots.




Massacre – Damage increase by it isnt shown anywhere and it doesnt effect Dots




Napalm – Tooltip on talent tree says burns 25/50/75% of damage over 6 seconds while debuff/Dot on enemy says 15/30/45% over 6 seconds


Call of the Wild – Summon gets stuck and stops attacking from time to time




Intense Focus – Should increase total focus by 5%/10% but increases base focus which is 49 at lvl 49 if no points put into it.


Engulf – Outside battleground can only cast on yourself or enemy mob. Spell itself says "Target: Single (Any)" which leads to believe you can cast it on ally.


Void Portal – Summon gets stuck and stops attacking from time to time.


As for prophet talent stuff.. someone who knows more should say it since i only got confused thinking about it.


Other tooltip stuff: Northam Obelisk Blessing states it gives 5% armor but it gives 5% defense.

#943943 Sub Classes?? ( please read Mod's)

Posted by Crystal314 on 09 August 2015 - 19:31

Hmm... The thing about Eldevin is that it's really free on what you spend your points in, and you can make your own little sub class without needing to chose from one. I personally like it the way it is, as I've seen this system on other MMORPGs and don't particularly like it..

#942596 Use lower level gear as Vanity or Convert to Vanity

Posted by KeS on 31 July 2015 - 15:20

This is armor you should get eventually. Though I'm not at liberty to say how. :)

I think we know....its coming soon :)

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