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Member Since 02 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 07 2016 22:15

#879168 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Luminaire on 15 July 2014 - 19:50

that would be awesome  :P

that would defeat the purpose of trail and error. Why the saftey nets? DO you need to be spoon fed aswell?

#878970 If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

Posted by Luminaire on 14 July 2014 - 16:35

Yote has a great Idea, Forget implementing 3 things. take over control of FSH. Fix the glitches. Update it to work with Greasemonkey. Make it look cleaner on Chrome. Update it whenever it needs. This could be a one man job and not even a full time one. a couple of players did this in their free time I'm sure the cows could too ;P

#867902 Hiding Inactives From Top Rated List?

Posted by Luminaire on 10 May 2014 - 17:12

Replying to OP, 


They worked very hard to get where you are, and you gotta stop playing eventually.. why should they be forgotten because someone doesnt want to work hard enough to pass them? this is a bad idea. 

#867800 In-guild Pvping

Posted by Luminaire on 10 May 2014 - 04:00

Personally, I think we should be able to hit guild mates on and off the BB/Ladder.  The BB is a great place to train pvp minded players. And the ladder can be used the same way.  You can test sets, test buffs, slap your guildmate around a little to remind them that girls rule, whatever needs are there. By not allowing guild mates to compete against each other, you are essentially punishing them for being in a guild with like minded players. How many of the ladder groups are 5 players from one guild and maybe one other player? It means the one not in the guild gets slapped silly while the guildmates are twiddling their thumbs waiting to be able to hit this one player. I applaud the OP for bringing up the idea. But I don't see a need to start another arena/safe house/section of the game.  Just expand the parts of the game already here to allow more competition.

You realize being in a guild means you're a team, a group of like minded player set forth to help eachother out, the bounty board-if you look at it not as a game- well the person bounty hunting, man hes out to kill you. You're not gonna go out and kill the member of your own little clan of any sorts, that makes you weak, nah, no need for making ladder hits, ladder hits available to guildmates, that just makes the ladder possibly run by a certain guild -not fair. and bb clears from guildies means indefinately safe clears-not fair my "safe area" idea isnt meant for true pvping, its training for pvping, testing gear, training for gvging, teaching somehow how and who to hit without the fear of losing, no penalty if you lose in training but in gvging.. that could mean the loss of a gvg, and like I've really been pushing, possible betting. 

#867588 In-guild Pvping

Posted by Luminaire on 09 May 2014 - 06:17

     Hey guys, first ever post, and don't really have this thought out but I honestly was thinking, guilds are to help each other out, so whats better than sparring with guildies? Just any level being able to spar with each other, test gear, see how it would work, help train for gvg, pvping, and even settle in-guild disputes, may the best man win type of deal. It would be awesome if you guys could post suggesting, support, get the cows attention, I honestly think this would be a great idea. No exp loss, possible betting, and stamina loss of course. Just a thought. (: 


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