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Member Since 15 Apr 2013
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#883633 Things to be done..

Posted by dragon1234 on 04 August 2014 - 07:10

In my opinion, this all boils down to HCS decision on PvP. I just don't get why the dev would shy away from PvP (which is voluntary) and focus on more of a dungeon type based games. Hell even in FS, their most successful game, PvP is a joke.  


Even the most basic tournament setup(1v1 ELO/weekly) can alleviate the pressure for contents. Releasing 5 new levels of content shouldn't have people complaining a month after it comes out. PvP has the most potential to be a content multiplier out of any other aspects of this game. It is why the wilderness in RS was so popular and, in my opinion, allowed it to grow as a game. Hell release a new cache of equipment every couple weeks or so in different aspects of the games and watch as people line up to do them to try and compete in PvP. 


I've written a lot on this subject when I was actively playing and I still see that PvP is still abysmal. I want HCS to succeed, but Ive been pretty sad wit the direction of this game. How the hell did Mount became a priority Ill never know. Anyways here is what I think HCS should focus on in order of importance.


1. Hardware Rendering

2. PvP, at least a basic tournament

3. Guild/AH 

4. Skill Balance/Gem Balance

5. Make every items of type rare or better have some randomized stats. 

#868915 PVP

Posted by dragon1234 on 15 May 2014 - 23:49

I love the arena on FS and it was pretty unique way of "PvP" and maybe in the future it could be a unique feature here. But currently, I think that HCS should work on balancing teams first and deal with balancing the levels later, the current + HP and stuff is fine right now. They kinda need to cater to end-game people right now. And they need to get a ladder up ASAP. ELO rating for premade 3v3 team or whatever. 

#864586 Add sprint

Posted by dragon1234 on 22 April 2014 - 23:45

No need for stamina bar, just have it drain Mana at a ridiculous rate. 

#862414 Playable Races

Posted by dragon1234 on 12 April 2014 - 23:53

pffft, Race is too mainstream. I want to play as inanimate objects. 

Ex: Mirror: +25% reflect, -10% defense. 

#859460 A list of suggestions i have. (some new some old)

Posted by dragon1234 on 02 April 2014 - 18:10

@ Capture the flag: It should be first to 3 or 5 or something like that instead of the way it is now, where people just camp out waiting for the other side to come and get them.

#859097 Improve the GUI

Posted by dragon1234 on 01 April 2014 - 06:31

Lol whats wrong with it? Point out some examples and make a suggestion as to how HCS can improve/streamline it. Dont just make a second thread with next to no information.

#859061 bug :D

Posted by dragon1234 on 01 April 2014 - 02:27

Think Ben name an alt that and then made it his main character.

#854097 Reroll

Posted by dragon1234 on 08 March 2014 - 09:59

I think that rare/heroic items that have a random roll should have somewhere, where they can reroll the stats. Something like,


Reroll for any random abilities - (level of item)/4g.


Reroll for range/melee/sorcery specific ability - (level of item)/2g + 1 remnant of previous dungeon.


Reroll for same stat - (level of item)g + 2 remnant of previous dungeons. 


Remnant could or could not be included, could also have like a reroll limit or something on an item so that people will have to run the dungeons. 


This could basically be like crafting in Fallensword.

#825926 Exploiting XP to boost guild

Posted by dragon1234 on 06 December 2013 - 00:31

Why not have it like eldevin, where you do significantly less damage to creatures that are at a higher level than you. A check between the player virtual level and the level of the creature, if its lower then either the player stats are lowered by some percentage or the creature stats get increased. Say @5 levels below, player stats are halved, @ 10 level quartered etc.

#819433 The Fair Way

Posted by dragon1234 on 11 November 2013 - 21:31

I think that there should be a time limit, but the 50% should be left in there. Just make it so that if the titan is defeated w/in 24 hours then whichever guild have 50%+1 kills should get the automatic drop. If it is after 24 hours, then regardless of kill total, TKP should be awarded to all guild according to the current %. Also maybe put a week limit where all TKP earned are halved if the Titan is not killed. 

#816020 Crafting Suggestion

Posted by dragon1234 on 12 October 2013 - 13:10

Just some ideas I have about the crafting element in the game. 


1. Crafting Recipes Distribution


I think that the recipe automatically available to a you should be very limited. Only some low-level fine gears (such as lv 1-5 or 1-10 gears) should be automatically available in shops, just to introduce and get the players into the world of crafting. The rest should be distributed through other means.


Higher tiers of fine items recipes may be bought from different towns as a little gold sink in the game or as common drops from regular creatures. 


All rare-tier recipes should be unlockable through different towns' artisan quests. The artisan quests should also be expanded to include more than "make xxx items", make it more in-depth. Something like "my family has a secret recipe passed down from generations" or whatever and requires specific items to make them. 


This could allow you to tie-in some of the resourcing skills, like introducing the linen cloth, the ethereal stuff or whatever. 


Heroic tier recipes should come either in the form of an epic quest line (maybe linking it to some of the dungeon quests) or in the form of a rare drop from bosses in dungeons. So for something like the lv 30 special set, the boots can require something from guardhouse + the elemental flake, the helmet can be from something in boondock etc. 


2. Salvage Items/Breaking Down items

I think that all items that are non-consumable should be salvageable by players to get at least some of the primary resources back. Say 25%+ x% with x being something that can be tied in with the leveling of the skills. (difference between actual item level and your skill level in that field maybe?). Also x can be negative. 


Breaking down heroic items should yield some element flakes also. 


Something similar to this could be the higher the level difference between your skill level and the level requirement the less resources you may need to make the same item. Call it a craftsman bonus or something. Say x% with a cap of 25% less resource needed. So if you are at cap, crafted tattered leather would only require 3 leather instead of 4. 


3. Recipe Requirement

I've mentioned this before, but the resource requirement for recipe should be upped. All of the recipes should probably take at least 2 different type of resources from the resourcing skills, a la weaponsmithing. Really the only exception maybe the lv 1-5 stuff that can be used as an introduction to crafting. 


Rare items should probably take 3 dif types + unusual resources. Heroic item should probably take at least 4 dif types and probably end game items should require all 7 different types.


4. Master Recipe


I think that all items should have a master recipe attached to it. Using the salvage feature, when you break down an item, not only do you get some resources, you also get a master recipe for that particular item. 


Instead of being one of those innate recipe that is automatically listed like its currently so, these recipe will require a slot in your inventory and that you must have in your inventory in order to invent the item. They do not get consumed when inventing.


This mean that you have to have possession of the item before and must have broken it down to get the recipe. Each item then have its own resource requirement or whatever. 

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