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#988907 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 27 December 2017 - 03:32

Teleport 200 should be made available via composing.  That way those that cannot (or will not) pay to win can still have a chance against those that throw money at the game.




-1 That would make it way too easy to get a buff that is overpowered at that level. You can still buy it via FSP from the AH



If teleport200 is too high powered for everyone to have then it is too high powered for anyone to have and should be removed from the game.


Edit:  " Teleport200 pots in AH atm and 266 players online.  Hardly available to all, and as Penny says below the price is 3-400 fsp, not 150.

#988902 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 27 December 2017 - 03:06

I think we'd all like to know if getting the item for 1st place, whilst not getting 50%+ of the kills, is a bug that is getting exploited while the cows are on holiday for nearly 2 weeks.


I'd like to know if the sack you just earned EP with personal kills was bound?  And what is the personal cooldown?


I think that maybe the new system is ok, BUT:  I think personal cooldowns for seasonal titans should be extended to the entire season.  ie only one personal seasonal epic can be earned for each titan.  If this was the case then personal tkp should also be accumulated.  Come to think of it -- all titans should only allow 1 personal secure else the market for epics will be down to gold sales very soon.


Teleport 200 should be made available via composing.  That way those that cannot (or will not) pay to win can still have a chance against those that throw money at the game.

#977509 fs not loading error

Posted by duktayp on 04 March 2017 - 01:10


#953922 Request for UFSG

Posted by Pardoux on 26 November 2015 - 10:14

I think it's been asked for before, maybe even by me, but I'm too tired / lazy to look for it now ;)

Can the UFSG be searchable (on items) by ENHANCEMENTS please


Also, can some new items have either (or, preferably, both) Master Crafter and/or Master Inventor enhancements ? - I've not done much of a search on high level items in my BP, but in the limited search I did, I can't see either enhancement on any recent items



#960416 New GvG idea

Posted by Lahona on 08 March 2016 - 04:34

Of course it wouldn't suit your guild EP if defending guilds were to gain more rep points as per the OP.  Once again your greed is showing as you attempt to derail a perfectly reasonable idea.

#960410 New GvG idea

Posted by Uncle Beg on 08 March 2016 - 03:42

This is what I read from Piety's response ... "Pythia, I'll pay for your repair cost if that will make you happy."

#960407 Seasonal Titan Spawn Rate

Posted by Lahona on 08 March 2016 - 03:22

EP, you are still totally ignoring the fact that it was the introduction of the new titan hunting buffs, especially titan doubler, that caused there to be more spawns of the seasonal titans at Christmas.


You are also contraditcting yourself when you claim not to want FSPs from titan hunting and at the same time want to profit from titan hunting.


Your complaints about titan hunting are always aimed at getting more secures for yourself and/or your guild.  No one is fooled by your 'concern' for the game.

#958567 Make some changes to the guilds to retain players

Posted by Lahona on 05 February 2016 - 12:17

There has been a flash sale for them I cant remember price excatcly as I didn't buy any but I believe it was 25 fsp correct me if I'm wrong please.


I don't recall any flash sales for guild store slots -- there definitely should be one though!  ;)

#957511 Zombie Yeomen VI

Posted by Pythia on 21 January 2016 - 22:50

Rather than always ranting about the power of this or that, and changing the % here and there, if you don't want to use that stuff why don't you destroy it.  


Just high light that option and click. 


You don't have to keep stuff you don't like and can't frag.


No big deal.. Is it?

#953742 Its all TOM's fault

Posted by Lahona on 22 November 2015 - 17:43

I voted no. 2 as I find it's usually Shawn's fault!

#950058 what happened to the GE ' grouping '?

Posted by hittokiri on 29 September 2015 - 17:35

..... and they want a mile

#950050 what happened to the GE ' grouping '?

Posted by yotwehc on 29 September 2015 - 16:06

Give an inch...

#948200 Not Sure The Devs Intended This...

Posted by Belaric on 10 September 2015 - 14:21

Removing counter bounties would eliminate players ability to respond to being dropped on the bb. Do you really want to give us bounties we can drop and then not allow you a chance to respond? Yet another way to further limit pvp activity. The most fun I've had in this game was guild wars. I've even met some of my best friends in the game by stomping each other. But sadly, the changes in the game have killed most of that activity.


Calista, you and I are diametrically opposed on this issue, and that is okay.


Do I really want to give you bounties you can drop and not give you a chance to respond? Yes. Because you have responded so well when you have been bountied that now you get left alone. I have long held that CB is the mechanism that has killed the BB. You cannot have it both ways, to want to hit people to leave you alone (including bounty hunters, I imagine) and still want a regular supply of PvP opponents. The two things do not easily coexist, in my opinion. 


I argue that Counter Bounty limits PvP activity now, CB drives out Bounty Hunters, punishes them for doing their job, disincentivises them from coming back if they keep getting dropped for doing their job, so why bounty hunt? In the hope you'll be allowed a soft clear here and there without being CB'd? How is that inviting?


However, keep CB if you want, it no longer bothers me. Nor does the inactivity on the BB. 


Guild wars can happen without CB - you can keep hitting members of the other guild come what may. CB makes it faster, more aggressive, and about who has the most allies to take on the CB's, and who are then prepared to be CB'd themselves. An orgy of PvP - but one side eventually gets crushed, and how many times will they come back if they know they will be out CB'd? Not many. The winners win, the losers will only lick their wounds and come back so many times, sooner or later they stop participating when they realise they cannot prevail against a bigger network of CB hungry friends and allies. So success breeds inactivity in your most fun activity. Can't have guild wars if the other side won't bother fighting anymore.


I may be wrong, but I genuinely think that use of CB has killed off the PvP game, not 'game changes'. PvP players using a PvP mechanism have so dominated the BB (and guild wars) that everyone else has been taught, have learned not to play there. Inactivity rules the day. 


Remove CB from the board and I think you would see more players give it a try. Again, I might be wrong. But with no CB and auto bounties during the seasons the board became more consistently active than it was since the GXP era.


Thanks for giving me the opportunity to say this. To be honest I no longer feel that I have skin in that game, it used to bother me more. I think I'm just losing interest overall in FS, so this seems less important to me now. But it is nice to get it off my chest perhaps one last time. It is a PvP problem for PvP players, and as far as I can see, it is a self-created one, and will continue to be so as long as CB is held to be sacred and inviolate. So keep it if you wish, and keep wondering why so few people come back to play on the BB after being punished via counter bounty.

#945557 Titan Doubler

Posted by gilby90813 on 19 August 2015 - 05:51

im personally against the part of upgrading stam gain the rest yes due to invigorate might be worth it down the road etc

#945476 Titan Doubler

Posted by robyx on 18 August 2015 - 21:52

I began titan hunting to have my own epics (I still remember a Krimsom Kardic Helm bought at 400 fsp … my worst deal ever …:D )


After that, I hunted and sold a lot of epics, with good profits.


With titan doubler, profits are surely dropped; I still like titan hunting, but to be honest with the current prices, I need to find a valid reason to keep on hunting low level or inflated epics. And, after all, FSPs are not everything in Fallensword ….


What about implementing an “evolve Epic” menu? For example: I have echiphon gloves, and I  fully forge them.  After obtaining another echiphon gloves, I decide to keep them, because of their low price. So I decide to “evolve” the first gloves with them. Maximum number of evolutions: 5 . Every evolution add some stats to the item (maybe +30 stamina, +5% attack/damage, or some other lesser improvement) . The fifth evolution add 1 stamina gain. Evolved epics could be bound (or guild bound), to avoid profit on selling them. Evolution could be reversible (but you loose the epics used in evolution).


Not sure if this has already been proposed by someone, and refused by the Cows.

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