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Member Since 04 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active May 20 2014 12:34

#850311 Better Respec Options

Posted by Lagenia on 19 February 2014 - 09:52

I would love to see a respec possibility so you can make your respec - check if it fits how you placed the points and then you can reroll it as long as ... for example you didnt start a fight ... within 30 minutes ... within 10 minutes .. something like this


Once i respecced i missclicked a Talent - so i had to live with it or pay another respec to respec the mistake i just made :P ...



Also it would be nice to see the Final Version of yourself and then be able to commit or reroll it

#850033 Wands vs. Staves

Posted by Lagenia on 18 February 2014 - 09:47

noone is crying that swords can be 2h and 1h + shield / 1h + 1h ... but when it comes to mage staff everyone does? give me a reason for this cry...


dps for mage is only calculated by the essence you are using, so this wouldnt change because wands would be normal melee / range weapons (for example a range autohit like the essence - and no melee autohit possible anymore - or just a melee autohit like staffs have now).


With wands there would be even more possibilities for every kind of hybrid class - and also i am used to play mages with 1 handed weapons over 2 handed staffs.


Something i would like to see is

  • remove haste from staffs - add spell damage to staffs
  • add haste to wands only - make a small spell damage reduction

As Staffs should be slow but powerfull and Wands should be Fast but weaker

#849105 Infinite xp after MAX Level

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 23:02

This is actually implemented already :)


We'll be adding leaderboards to the website within the next few weeks and the 'uncapped xp' value will be used for the rankings. Note this also applies to skill xp.


is the xp allready counting or will it start with the implementation of leaderboards?

#848880 Infinite xp after MAX Level

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 17:19

I would really love to see a "infinite" xp gather after max level.


So that you can, for example stack your experience up to a Limit of idk 500 Million / 1000 Million or whatever as a real MAX.


this should be in a new XP pool, so it wont affect the actual Level, once a new content release pops in with Level increases - so the pool just gets added after and no instant level up is possible after a lvl update :)



this would be amazing for leaderboards to see a total xp gained and would make people want to train train train and compare each other and go up the rankings in certain skills

#848783 WASD Review

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 10:00

For me everything seems good, took me 29 seconds to get used to it, good now


Then you probably didnt make dungeons yet, as a prophet it is very annoying to be not able to change the camera angles like it was before. Healing is a pain with the new wasd movements ... dogma will cancel on movement - and when you rightclick to change camera angles you get thrown out of your target ...


@Topic - wasd movement shouldnt have been implemented as a must ... it should have been as a option - just my 50 cents ... but well hopefully they bump in a hotfix soon

#848781 Autofill sacks option

Posted by Lagenia on 13 February 2014 - 09:45

I would love a rightclick function on materials with the option "autofill in sack".


If this is toggled on, this material gets automatically filled into sacks, if toggled off it doesnt

#846868 Changes to Favor F2P Players

Posted by Lagenia on 06 February 2014 - 15:19

The only thing a free to play player can not obtain, is the items in the loyalty section.


Everything else can be obtained by free to play players, they just need to work for their rewards!  :D


From my point of view this game is already fully free to play. All you pay real $ for really is convenience and shiny stuff that does not affect game play  :)

Not true, a f2p player can obtain everything from the Loyalty Section, as you get 5 points / day (10 if subscriber) ... so this game is the perfect Example if it comes to f2p concept. There is NOTHING in the shop that you can not obtain by playing the game yourself.


Ain't talking for myself here, I'm mostly fine atm. I did not deny that it wasn't possible, but its not fair situation, that is clear and it could be easily adjusted, so why not? What there is to be afraid of?


Sorry but to people like you i always say the same thing "Learn what f2p and p2w is, the real definition of the 2 terms"


F2P = A game that can be enjoyed, without paying for the game. F2P Concept contains microtransactions, that give you time or convenience Bonus ingame, but nothing, that cant be obtained over time.


P2W = A game where you can pay real money, for items / things / whatever - that cant be obtained otherwise and give you a huge bonus over people that doesnt spend money into the game. For example in Eldevin it would be ... a Bound Potion that gives +10% Melee/Sorc/Ranged/Vit/Energy Attributes for xx Min. Or Shop Gear, that is better than obtainable Gear ingame


Eldevin is really the GOD of how F2P Concepts where ment to be in the first place, nothing except time you can buy in the shop. There are people that are better geared / have the stronger character / have higher Craft or Gathering Skills that didnt pay a single $ for this game - and thats what makes a F2P Concept shine over other f2p(p2w) systems - like for example 4story ... where you can (have to) buy stuff from the shop to get the best Items ingame if you are not the most lucky bastard in the universe with a chance of 10 ^ -100 to obtain the best Item ingame without destroying it on the upgrade Process.





@Devs + Admins cmon it cant be that hard to find out that this guy is struyk with a new account - just ban people playing over proxy and only allow real ips

#846866 Lowering tier 2+ mats prices at vendors?

Posted by Lagenia on 06 February 2014 - 14:45

I am pretty sure the lvl 16 item that needs 10 Bronze Bars sells for 13s - or am i wrong? ... i cant go online right now else i would have tested it ... but im pretty sure you make even if its perhaps a 0 profit business, no money loose ... and the higher you get the more profit you make (but crafting in masses isnt there for pushing your money - crafting in masses is for pushing your experience ... and for my point of view getting experienced in something should cost you something)

#846801 Lowering tier 2+ mats prices at vendors?

Posted by Lagenia on 06 February 2014 - 09:22

if you really have problems just sell a very small amount of the gathered products you have to player ...


100 bronze bars sell for ~8g ... which will set you up with enough gold to craft for ages on T2 mats.


And also you get small profit with selling the weapons you craft ... (at least thats what i experienced) ... perhaps not at lvl 16, but at lvl 18 - 20 for sure - need like 10-15s to craft and sell it for 15+

#845936 Vanity Items - 1 Slot items!

Posted by Lagenia on 03 February 2014 - 08:23

As a fast change to the Problem with vanity items we have (no space to get more of them) i would suggest, just make the vanity items, chests, legs, boots, aso. 1 Slot Items


So people can store them in Bank / whatever



As i spoke with a dev the other day, you talked about some kind of vanity chest allready, but its not something that will come in the next few days/weeks ... so i suggest just make the vanity items 1 slot items for now, as a fast "fix" to the vanity storage problem we have atm.

#843138 Gem socketing and unsocket changes

Posted by Lagenia on 22 January 2014 - 20:50

I really think you have given Zero thoughts into this ...


1000 EP to unsocket a T12 gem, which is basically the most valueable item in the game ... and cant be just replaced, if you cant afford the EP - or dont want to because you want to play this game for free ...


to make a T12 gem you need around 75k gold + 75k fusion powder ... lets say "only" 40k of both if up to T7 gems will drop in the end ... ok lets just make it 10K of both if T9 will drop (which i almost doubt).


And then spending 1k EP to unsocket this is really stupid and would not really get many people into liking this idea.


The end-content will be: New Dungeon -> most likely new / better items with just slightly increasings


So most people will just stay on their old stuff, because its just not worth unsocketing at all and a T12 gem even in a lower item is >>>> better than probably to start with a new T9 gem or whatever



If your Ep costs where real values, i strike down the idea - if it was just housenumbers and you thought off toooooo high housenumbers, i would approve the idea of gold and ep unsocketing methods with increasing values ... but not SUCH HIGH values


This will - once again - only bash f2p players and / or lower - not multirich - people

#842976 Alts shouldnt be seen on Friendlist

Posted by Lagenia on 22 January 2014 - 08:28

I dont know if it was planned to work that way or not, but i really hate, having an Alt and if someone got me on friendlist, he sees my "online" with my main character.


So just adding the Alt shows exactly which character the main is.



Usually people that play alts doesnt want everyone to know that its an Alt, or who the Main is.



Right now even if a friend is online with an Alt you see him online in "server list" but offline when you login then ... so you know he is online with an Alt

#842975 Mounts

Posted by Lagenia on 22 January 2014 - 08:23

A Mount just for the purpose of good look and perhaps a very very small increased movementspeed like +5 / +10 movespeed i would appreciate - but mostly for the looks ... If there are a lot of different Mounts, you can make your character even more individual

#841953 Remodelling of the real Tank

Posted by Lagenia on 17 January 2014 - 19:52

I see right now some Tanks - that think as i do - a real tank stays Heavy armor ...


But the tanks i see cant hold aggro right now ... every "light armor tank" that is arround can hold the aggro right now like 10 times better and this shouldnt be the case.



I would suggest to put the 2 Talents from Templar Tree in the first row which generates more threat + reduces taunt cd are placed in the 3rd row.


This way a templar can start spending points into this at level 12, so he will still be viable for the lower instances (and lets face it for boondocks the normal taunt unskilled in talent tree is more than enough)



I know there will be some player now that doesnt like this change, because there current build is kind of 100% build on exactly this 2 Talents ... but i think it is just wrong - that a light armor wearer can tank better than every heavy armor Tank.



Also i would like to see something done for Heavy armor ... like for example templar gets +% threat regeneration for each heavy armor he wears.



The way Templar is right now - is useless - my opinion ... how are you guys thinking about it?




The way a Templar levels is another Topic i think :)

#841885 Speed up smelting

Posted by Lagenia on 17 January 2014 - 17:58

so what ur suggesting is - dont give xp for the smelting progress anymore - but make it a lot faster?


then i am with you ... because basically prospecting has nothing to do with the smelting progress at all ... and shouldnt give xp therefore

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